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—YOU DIDN'T KNOW how you got here, yet here you were

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—YOU DIDN'T KNOW how you got here, yet here you were. You had gone up to the rooftop to look for your phone, seeing as though you had lost it after lunch. Unfortunately for you, someone had already taken your phone and kept it for themselves.

Although you'd definitely get your ass whooped because of it, it was currently the least of your problems. The door you had come in from mysteriously closed, and you were left locked on the other side.

Without your phone to call anyone, you were basically stuck until help arrived. You could've yelled, or maybe tried some other tactic, however you lacked all that energy because you looked around for your phone all day.

Sighing in defeat, you lean on the railings for support, too tired to do much else. "Y/N? You up here?" You hear the door creak as someone disturbed your peace. "I finally found you."

With that, a tall, raven haired boy came into view. "What are you doing up here alone?" He asks, you huff in annoyance as a response. Somehow, he gets the situation, and let's out a small 'oh' in response. Noticing your foul mood, he decides to grab something out of his pocket, to cheer you up.

"Anyway, were you looking for this?" He asks sheepishly. You turn to your right to see him holding your phone in a teasing manner. "Why, you!" You reply, tackling him, the adrenaline rushing back into your system.

Due to his height, you were at a very big disadvantage. Desperately trying to reach up for your phone, as he effortlessly switches your phone to a side you couldn't reach. "Oh come on! Ray!" You yell, annoyed at his childish antics, but also enjoying your little game.

Finally, he lets out a hearty chuckle, finally handing you the phone. You puff out your cheeks, scoffing in irritation. Just as when you thought your salvation had come, you opened your phone only to be met with the "low battery" symbol. 

Fortunately for you, you see Ray's phone placed conveniently in his pocket, just within your reach. Wanting to get back at him, you swiftly snatch the phone, immediately stepping back right after. "Ha! I've got your fate at the tip of my finger!" You say, bragging about your small achievement. Seeing him beginning to approach you, you quickly stretch out your hand to your right, having the phone dangling over the edge.

"Step back! One more step, and I'll let go of this!"

"You wouldn't."

"You know I would." You say, narrowing your eyes sharply.

Ray let's out a scoff, "Beg for thy forgiveness, and perhaps I shall spare this precious phone of yours!"

"Idiot! That's our only way off of this darned roof!" He says defensively, you loosen your grip on the phone a bit as a retort. "Tch. Fine, sorry, then." He mumbles as a response.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you."

"I said, I'm sorry." He says, in a voice you could properly make out.

You smirk in victory, accidentally letting the phone slip through your hands in excitement. "No—!" Ray yells, reaching out for the phone in a futile attempt to stop it from crashing to the ground.

Shocked, you let out an awkward giggle, rubbing the nape of your neck as Ray glared daggers at you. "O-oops, hehe... S-sorry?" You reply, awkwardly shrugging. "You're paying for that."

"What? Ray! You know I can't pay for something like that!"

"Well, then you shouldn't have dropped it!"

"Oh come on, you can just get a new one! Come on, rich boy; we all know you can." Ray scoffs in annoyance, sitting down on the ground as he pouted like a kid.

You take a seat next to him, wanting to light up his now pissed off mood. "So... Here we are, all alone." You said suggestively, attempting to wiggle your eyebrows. "Ew. Stop." He states, glaring at you and covering your face with his large palm.

Knowing that you had practically trapped both of you on to rooftop, plus broke his phone, you felt the need to apologize. Tugging his sleeve a bit, "Hey, uhm, I know your mad, and uh, I know sorry doesn't cut it, but; sorry." You hear him let out  a soft chuckle, "It's fine, I'm just a little aggravated."

Facing him completely, you tilt your head to your left, "Isn't— isn't that, technically the same thing?" Ray gives you a unimpressed stare, "No, you blockhead, learn English." He replies, flicking your forehead.

"Ow!" You reply, rubbing the spot he hit you, "Can we just—" feeling some added weight to your shoulder you look next to you, to see Ray leaning on your shoulder. "—stay like this, for a while?" You give him a soft smile, easing him up a bit.

"Well, if you're not mad, then you must be fine with cuddling with me tonight!" You exclaim, teasing the boy's sudden affection. You take a look at him, expecting some kind of smart retort, instead, he places his chin on your shoulder, making eye contact with you.

"Sure, whatever." He mutters, going back to his previous position, closing his eyes in the process.  Leaving you in utter shock.


"Hey, wake up, we have to get back to the dorms." You hear Ray's muffled bring you back to consciousness. You open your eyes to see Ray perfectly aligned with the sunrise. To say the least, he looked divine from your point of view. The cotton candy skies contrasting well with his dark black hair, and the sun shining on part of his face, seemingly making his skin glow, and to top it all off, was his perfectly defined jawline.

"The janitor's here, he unlocked the door for us, we can go." You cuddle up to him even more, desperate to sleep just a little more. "H-hey! Didn't you hear what I just said?"

After a bit, he basically gave up on trying to wake you up, seeing as though he'd only be wasting time. So instead, he somehow shifts around enough to place his hands under your knees and below your head.

Ray ended up carrying you all the way down the stairs, and into the dorms. Luckily for him, he was blessed with good physique and stamina; and since it was so early, he passed little to no people on his way.

Finally arriving in front of your dorm room, he uses his foot to somehow alarm your roommate the someone was at the door. Unfortunately, it didn't seem to be loud enough to wake whoever you roomed with. So he had to drop you somewhere.

Luckily enough for him, you were somewhat subconsciously awake, so you were able to stand up as long as you leaned on Ray. He kept knocking, waiting for a response, but still, nobody.

The boy was pretty irritated at that point, it might've been the sleep deprivation leading to his overemotional state, or maybe his impatience getting the best of him, whatever it was, it had led him to the decision to leave you at the door.

Well, atleast he tried to, however, you clung on to him for dear life. He was about ready to just dropkick you and run, but you just had to pull him into your subconscious trap. "Ray~ please don't leave..." He flinches at your words, wondering if you were awake or not.

The ravenette sighs in defeat, "Jeez, what am I going to do with you?" You clung on to him tighter, in fear that he would've left you. "Fine, I won't go anywhere, dummy."

In the end, he waited for your roommate to show up for two hours.

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