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—THE BOY WAS TIRED. Sleep deprived, and exhausted. Not only was he running on around two hours of half decent rest and maybe a cup of iced Americano, but he also had far too many disruptive thoughts that intruded on his day to day life; and the test, well that was a whole different thing on its own. Although he was nothing short of a genius, he was still very much human. Only some mad lad like Norman would run on twenty minutes of rest and still be able to get perfect marks. So naturally, he was very drowsy.

The ravenette rubbed his temples in exasperation. What had been weighing on his mind? You, of course. He was beginning to think it was starting to get unhealthy, but when he asked Norman about it, he simply shrugged it off and said it was normal. Then again, he couldn't exactly call Norman a ‘normal’ person either. "Does your head hurt?" You ask the boy with worry laced in your tone. He gives you a dismissive wave in response, exiting the school in a proper manner.

It was finals for the seniors, and so they were instructed to go home as soon as their exams finished. "I'm alright. Just a little fatigued, is all." He explains. "If you say so..." You mumble, not buying a single word coming out of his mouth. The boy spots your unconvinced look. "What? Don't believe me? I'm really fine. Besides, we still have studying to do over at my dorm, so just, relax." He reassures, shaking his head in attempt to get rid of the slight pain he'd been feeling.

"Dammit." The ravenette cursed. His head was aching terribly, and his vision seemed to be getting blurry. The boy assumed his head ache was simply because of thinking too much and sleep deprivation, but it seemed he was wrong. Perhaps he really was sick. He shivered ever so slightly, curling up on his couch to cease the sting. He could feel it, he could feel a migraine brewing. For anyone else, he'd probably have cancelled plans immediately, not that he made many plans, but for you; it was different. Maybe getting sick and getting plunged into a daze can help him be more honest with himself and his feelings.

Truthfully, he was struggling to confess to you. It was harder than anticipated, seeing as though you were usually bustling with energy and around a handful of people; and by the time you'd be even slightly calmer, he'd be absolutely debilitated. But today could be a turning point. A knock was heard from outside his door, and then another, and then maybe five more. "I'm coming." The boy groaned,  warily getting up to open the door to open the door for, presumably, you. He opens the door in annoyed manner, his brows remaining furrowed and his hair all messy from the tossing and turning he'd been doing.

You flash him a sheepish smile upon seeing his grouchy form. Although most couldn't tell, something seemed to be annoying him more than usual, and you couldn't help but ask him about it. "Sorry, are you alright? We can always cancel if you're feeling under the weather." You suggest, partially just wanting to get away from the terrors of studying. The ravenette smiles ironically as an answer. "Well, I'm about to spend three hours of my life trying to teach a hopeless idiot, so, yes; I am absolutely enthralled." He replied humorously, quietly stepping aside for you to get in his dorm.

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