new fic :)

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hello everyone <3 no, i have not finished drafting out the sequel for this book yet... hehe.. but i will say that it will come out soon, probably shortly after my newest fic concludes! so yeah, this was mainly just a shameless plug for my newest book: ANTI-ROMANTIC, featuring KYOYA OOTORI from OHSHSC!

if any of you guys are interested, please check it out on my profile :) i honestly believe my writing has improved since the publication of this, and i hope you guys will check it out ^-^

secondly, i'd just like to thank you all for all your comments on this fic. i'm honestly so amazed that it still gets interactions up till now, and i always get shocked when i get new notifs :') still, they're a welcome surprise because they definitely bring a smile to my face! so thank you, new readers for still taking time to comment, as well as vote or just overall read this book. and thank you so so much to all those old readers who are still rereading this up till now! i'm kinda shocked that anyone would like to read, much less re-read my work, so its truly an honor <3

hope to get back into writing more very very soon, and will see you all till then. thank you so much again, you guys are great! and again, some shameless self promo, if you guys have the time, try checking out my newest fic ANTI-ROMANTIC on my profile. thank you!

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