[ sick ]

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—THE THERMOMETER MADE a beeping sound as you coughed for the nth time that hour

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—THE THERMOMETER MADE a beeping sound as you coughed for the nth time that hour. Your roommate, Gilda walked up to you as she removed the thermometer and checked your temperature. "As I thought... (Y/N) you've come down with a fever." She sighed. "I'll go get some medicine, stay in bed, alright?" She says, giving you a light pat on the head.

To put it simply, all the studying and fatigue had probably gotten to you. You were now sick in bed, with your temperature at a 38 degree celsius. Gilda could probably stay with you for a while, skipping homeroom and maybe first period, and then she could check on you at around lunch time. She suggested on calling your parents, but you were well aware that they were quite busy because of the bakery's renovations; so you decided against it.

Luckily for her, you weren't very high maintenance when it came to being sick. As long as she reminded you to take your medicine every eight hours and made your meals, you'd just sleep throughout the entire day. The real problem is when you'd wake up. Well, if you could even call it waking up. You'd be in an absolute haze, clinging onto any human warmth you could.

The olive green haired girl came back with your breakfast, a bottle of medicine (you can't swallow pills well) and a glass of water. She placed the things on your nightstand as you sat up slightly.

Ray walks around the halls, looking for the dense idiot he had grown to adore. He spots classroom 3-C, knocking on the door thrice to alert the few people in the room of his existence. A girl with short curly hair went up to him, eyeing him like he was a piece of gold. "Do you know where (L/N)-san is?" He questions, switching to his formal tone. "Ah, they called in sick today." The girl replies calmly. "Oh." The boy answers, disappointment evident in his voice.

The girl chuckles ever so slightly at the boy's reaction. "Ah, but if you could, please give them a few hand-outs. I have tutor and don't wanna risk being late, is that alright with you?" She compromised, making the boy's eyes light up slightly. "Sure, I have nothing to do anyway." He lies, truth be told, he had cram school that day. He'd get scolded like crazy if his mother found out, these were the last few sessions before the center test exams, so it was all the more vital to attend.

Regardless, he was willing to risk that. Besides, wouldn't it be interesting to see how you were when you were sick? "Alright then, I'll hand you the handouts after school. Until then, I'll see you around." The curly haired female stated, turning her heel to go back to her friends.

The boy breathes out a quiet sigh, not bothering to hide his obvious disappointment. You were rarely ever absent from school, and not having your regular pestering proved to be quite lonesome.

The clock strikes three thirty in the afternoon, as the PA announces its usual news. Most of the class had already left, or were packing their stuff up. Norman was speaking to one of his classmates, smiling softly as he explained some terms to them. In contrast, Ray had kept a keen eye on the classroom door. When he saw the familiar curly haired girl come up and knock on the door, his dark green eyes lit up, a smirk tugging at the ends of his lips.

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