[ food ]

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—YOU WANTED TO apologize to Ray

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—YOU WANTED TO apologize to Ray. So the next day, you decided to make him a bento lunch. So, with the help of your good friend Emma you whip him up a dish perfectly to his liking. Well, atleast based off of the information Emma had given you. "You're sure he'll like it?" You ask, unsure of the spices you put in. "Don't worry! It'll be fine! Ray isn't much of a picky eater, and besides; if he doesn't eat it, I will!" She replies, a perfect grin on her face.

You give the girl a light smile, "Alright, I trust you." She answers back with two thumbs up, and her signature smile. 

[12:23 PM: TUESDAY]

Panting, and trying to catch you breath, you try your best to not trip. I hope he hasn't bought his lunch yet! You think to yourself, worried that Ray had already bought and finished his lunch.

Eventually arriving in the cafeteria, a new problem had arrived to visit you: Finding Ray. The cafeteria was fairly spacious, whether you'd begin looking for him by the lunch ladies, or near the tables was an important choice you had to make; a choice that can determine your failure or success. 

You scan the wide area a bit, hoping to see a trace of your tall friend; until finally stopping at a tall raven haired boy. "Ray!" You call out, catching his attention. He looks around until his eyes land on you. "(Y/N)." He says nonchalantly.

Finally stopping in front of him, you hand him the blue bento box and flop down to the nearest empty table. "Did you run all the way from your dorm?" The ravenette asks, unimpressed. You give him a grin and form an 'ok' symbol with your hands.

Ray lets out a sigh and takes the seat next to you, "Well, are you gonna eat?" You fold your arms and put them on the table, placing your head on your arms whilst looking at Ray delicately opening his bento. "Mhm, In a minute." You reply, too tired to do anything as of the moment.

He takes a bit of the food you had prepared and takes a bite of it, his eyes lighting up slightly. Your lips curve into a soft smirk, "So? How is it?" He stares at you for a bit, until he continues to eat his bento.

Ray seemed to be enjoying his meal quite a bit, to which you respond with a small smile. The ravenette glared at you replying with a muffled "What?" His annoyed, yet pouty face made you let out a quiet chuckle. "You're adorable." You say out of the blue, making the boy nearly choke on his food.

This made you laugh even harder, "You're such an idiot." He responds wiping his mouth. "Just admit it, the food's amazing!" You screech enthusiastically, "It's weird." He replies a little later. "What?" You say, not believing a word he had just said.

"It's weird because it's good."

"Aw~! Ray~ you could've just told me earlier!" You mock, clinging onto his surprisingly well built arm. "Ew! Get off me!" He states, flustered because of your "affection."

After a bit, you finally detach yourself from the ravenette, bringing out your own bento box to begin eating. You open your bento to find the Ray-shaped cucumber slice you had done for fun. "Hey, look!" You say, tugging at his sleeve, "It's you!"

"Is that supposed to be me—"

"It's a cutecumber! Just like you~" You grin, proud at your very cheesy pick up line. Ray gives you a disgusted look, "That was lame. Plus, that cucumber slice looks nothing like me."

"Hey, I spent forty minutes on this!"

"Which one? The pickup line, or the cucumber?" He provokes, getting close to your face.

"The cucumber, damnit!" You yell, hearing a disciplinary team member say "language!" in the distance.

"Really? It doesn't look like it." He teases, inching a little closer to your face. For a few minutes, his forest green eyes pierce into your soul, wondering if a retort would come out of your lips.

The boy reaches beside you, grabbing an octodog from your bento box. He leans back a little, "Whatever, I like these, so I'm taking yours." You let out a soft chuckle from his words, "You like octodogs?"

"Oh? Is that what these are called?" Your eyes soften at the obliviousness of the ravenette. "Hey Ray, when was the last time someone packed lunch for you? Be honest." Your question caught him off guard, causing him to tense up a bit, "I don't know, first grade, probably?" Not knowing what to say, you sit there in silence, waiting for him to continue.

"Mama was busy with the company , and dad was either on tour or completely overworking himself. My grandparents weren't in the best condition either, so it was best for me to buy lunch instead of trouble them." He replies in a rather apathetic manner.

"Hey, uhm—"

"But, I have you, right?"

"O-of course! And I'll try my best to make you octodogs everyday!" You reply, finding a newfound determination within yourself.

"Thanks," he says, leaning in like earlier, except this time gazing at your lips."I'd really appreciate that." He finishes, grazing his thumb over your lip.

The blood rushes to your cheeks, and Ray seemed to notice. "Oh? Did I make a certain someone blush?" He smirks, making you look away in defeat. The bell rings, and he smiles. A real, genuine smile.  "Well, thank you for the meal." He says ruffling your hair. "I'll see you later."


Your still groggy self walked into the school, to see the halls already bustling. You were running a little later than usual today, "(Y/N)?" You hear Ray's familiar voice speak out.

"Oh, hey Ray!" You grin, giving him a small wave. "Running a little late today?" He inquires, "Could say the same to you, why're you so late? Don't you usually get here before the gates are even open?" You respond, crossing your arms.

"Oh nothing, I just had to replace my old phone which mysteriously fell off the rooftop." You laugh awkwardly, "Haha, uh— maybe it was depressed?" You both laugh in unison.

"Oh! Hey, did you eat breakfast?" You ask your raven-haired friend, suddenly remembering a small detail. "No, I almost slept in so I couldn't make breakfast and afford to be late."

"Well, if that's the case," You reply cheekily, presenting him a small container. "Here's your favorite treat, from your favorite person!" He scoffs playfully, and opens the container to see six octodogs with smiley faces on them.

The boy closes the container back up, with a seemingly disapproving face. You thought he was mad, or unimpressed, but it was the total opposite.

Ray gives you a small hug, "Jeez, you're such an idiot."

"Huh? What do you me—"

"You didn't have to, you know." He hugs you tighter, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You hug him back, until he pulls away from your warmth.

"Ray! Over here!" You hear Emma and Norman call for him. "Well, I'll see you later, I'll eat it for sure!" He grins, giving you a wave before going in the classroom.

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