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—WHAT WERE YOU TO HIM? The ravenette had been contemplating it for the past hour

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WHAT WERE YOU TO HIM? The ravenette had been contemplating it for the past hour. The answer was simple, of course, you were a crush, and that was that. Atleast, that's what he told himself. It wasn't a lie, but there was something about it that felt unspeakably criminal about putting it in that manner that kept eating away at him.

It didn't help that he saw you everyday. Seeing your radiant smile, and witnessing your somewhat irritating stupidity; well, his thoughts just got more disorganized by the day. The boy grumbled curses under his breath, having told himself to drop the topic five times now, but somehow still thinking about it. He had reluctantly forced himself to ask Norman about it, seeing as though he was now, officially a taken man. But he didn't help all that much, all he really said that was worth noting was, the fact the you're still thinking about it is saying something in itself, right? And admittedly, it was fairly good advice; but still not what he wanted to hear.

An angry knock on his front door was heard, and a muffled shout that seemed to be calling his name. The voice was undeniably yours. "Crap. We were supposed to meet up at the library." He cursed, getting up from the comfort of his bed to open the door for you. He peeked through the door hole, seeing you pouting and crossing your arms just outside his door.

The ravenette finally opens the door, revealing his grouchy form. You scan him up and down, before letting out a chuckle. Seeing the rich boy with semi aristocratic tendencies, in such a lackluster state forced you to choke out a laugh. "What?" Asked the boy. "Pfft! It's nothing, you look stupid though." You teased with a cheeky grin engraved on your lips. He flinches as his ears turn red, next to your fairly well dressed self, he looked extremely dumb. Without warning, the boy slams the door on your face; causing you to scream complaints. "Wha- h-hey! I waited half an hour at the library for nothing! Get your ass up and come on!" You shriek, practically banging the door with your fist.

The boy scoffed as he rolled his eyes, quickly heading to his closet to grab a suitable outfit. He pulled out a black shirt and black sweatpants, tucking the shirt in for style points. Finally, he slips on a black watch and ruffles his hair softly; taking a glance at his reflection in the mirror before deciding he looked presentable.

Your door banging hadn't gotten any quieter for the mere two minutes he was gone, forcing an annoyed groan to escape his lips. The loud noise stopped once he opened the door, catching you by surprise. "Hmph! Finally!! Jeez, I was waiting for hours!" You whined, stomping your foot on the floor below you. He scoffs at your response, rolling his eyes as he grabbed a small backpack. "You're exaggerating. I was gone for two minutes." The ravenette answers with a scowl.

You let out a huff of irritation as you strut toward the stairs. The boy chuckles quietly at your retreating back, locking the door of his dorm as be trailed behind you.

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