chapter 13

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(She made my oc TwT and edited it- their u have my oc :3 also enjoy this chapter!)

*moltens POV*

After bryan had calmed down he had fallen asleep in my arms- i had to admit it seemed kinda cute (no ship) i chuckled and picked him up, the others looked at him with a worried face since we all know what was the cause of this, lefty had pulled away the blanket so i could put him down, as i put him down i took off his shoes and yeeted them to the other side of the room, lefty finished it by throwing the blanket over him, u could clearly see he was exhausted- i jumped up and grabbed myself with my wires up on the ceilling, "spider molten spider molten" i hear coming from underneath me, lefty was making jokes about it again, the others couldnt help but laugh about it- good job lefty keep them distracted and happy i thought.

*time skip to 10am (next morning)*

*Bryans POV*

I slowly opened my eyes and started moving around, my body hurts like hell- i slowly and steady sat up, i look around to find out im alone- or so i thought at least, "lay back down before you hurt yourself more" i hear someone say, i look around still no one- "up here moron" i look up to see molten hanging above me, they scared the hecc outta me- he laughed and jumped down, i moved to the right side of the bed and stood up, it took me a second to stand steady- i couldnt keep my balance TwT, i walked to the door with molten following me- i chuckled and said "so you do care about me hm?"

His smile dissapeared and he yeeted himself off the balcony, i just didnt know what to say so walked further, as i got to the stairs i bumped into r.freddy, he took a quick look and me and picked me up- "freddy what are you doing!" I shouted, i grabbed him around his neck- i do not like to be picked up! "Helping you down the stairs before you fall off-" he said

as we arrived downstairs he put me down, i let him go and kind of thank him? He followed me as i was heading for the circius tent of baby- as we got there baby, ballora, orville, el chip and r.chica was there, i walk up to them at greet them- "are you sure you should be walking around" i hear coming from behind me, of course molten has appeared out of thin air once again, "like i said before im fine" i said very stubborn, they chuckled and said "you're choice" meh i sit down and listen to baby's story about 2 bears 1 immortal person and a scientist, i got into it after a while, it was pretty interesting, in the meantime r.chica and orville had left, only ones remaining were r.freddy, molten, ballora, baby and me.

Like an hour later it was 6pm already, when baby had just finished molten told me to go back to the hotel room to take some rest, me and my tired a** agreed to it and as we were leaving jon walked in with derpy, "hey bryan" i greeted them both and then asked what they were doing here, "well were just checking up on you and the park" derpy said, "well thanks! Im good and i think the park is too?" I noted, "why did you make that sound like a question?"

Jon said with a weird look, "well i havent wandered around in the park for a while so ye-" i told them, "why havent you i mean it is you're job too-" derpy said- "well i-" i wanted to say im sorry and that i would to it tomorror but i got rudely interupted by freddy and molten, "bryan wasnt feeling well thats why-" molten said and freddy backed him up, first time i see those two agree-

Freddy walks towards me and picks me up again (still no ship), "Freddy! Put me down!" He shook his head and started walking out of the tent, "Motlennnnn helpppppp" i shouted- "nah" he responded and started talking to jon, "u mother f- JON HALP!!" i then shouted, he turned around and just watched freddy taking me away, freddy had put me over his shoulder and was still walking towards the hotel-

it took him like 2 minutes to get me to my hotel room- unacceptable! Nah just joking but as we arrived t.chica, t.bonnie and t.foxy were playing cards, freddy sat me down in a chair and then just left- i have no idea what to do with freddy sometimes- hes a prick sometimes TwT, i walk up to the twisteds and sit down next to them, "whose winning?" I asked, they point at foxy, "lets just say capt'n the booty is mine" he said- i couldnt help but let out a chuckle, then i started helping t.b out with his cards- apparently they didnt even explain the rules to him, it took us 2 hours to end the game but foxy adventually won- i yawned and closed my eyes for a sec.

*twisted chica's POV*

Darn- foxy won- foxy was telling us how good he is when we noticed bryan sat back in the chair and had his eyes closed- guess hes tired XD, "should i poke him?" T.b asked- "no-" foxy and i said, i stand up and pick him up, how did he fall asleep that quickly- i mean it has only been like 2 minutes- meh whatever, i walk up to his bed and lay him down, t.b had already taken off his shoes and t.f had out the blanket over him, we high five and leave his room, i was last to leave his room- "night bryan" i said and closed the door,
That was another day at freddy land...


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