Chapter 21

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(I dont know what to write so imma do random UnU im good at writing random stuff-)


*bryans POV*

"I DID IT!" i shout, im feeling a lot better compaired to yesterday, and why i shouted i did it? Well i sat up on my own for the first time- not that it didnt hurt but ye- its at least better then laying down the whole day- "good job next step standing" molten says jokery, *sigh* he had the laugh and the others couldnt help but let out a chuckle, they had been in the room for the whole night watching over me and taking turns of charging, molten didnt charge the whole night and just stood up trying to find out what was in the syringe, i move my legs so that their outside the bed, no one seems to oay attention to me so i take my shot and try to stand up, i stood up and stand for like two seconds before falling down, my legs arent strong enough to hold the rest of my body up, sitting is find but standing nope.

"Bryan are you kidding me" freddy says, i chuckle "nope" i sit up on my own and start to crawl around,"THAT I CANT WALK DOESNT MET IN DEFEATED!" I shout and speed off on my knees, the others were dying of laughter as i got to the door, darn i cant reach the handel T^T" whyyyyyy, "going somewhere bryan?" Molten asks, *mumble* "hm? What was that?" He starts moving towards me and picks me up, "i- OUCH DONT TOUCH ME MOLTEN! MOLTEN LET GO HEY! THAT HURTS!" i shout immedialty as he put me down i speed back to my bed, im fast as flip boy.

Im like a child that crawls to their mom for a cookie- i still have to watch out though- even though im doing better then yesterday it doesnt mean the pain is gone, because after molten picked me up my chest and back hurt like hecc, it littarly feels like your getting stabbed- i sat down against my bed and just stared out the window, it was raining outside the rain was hitting the windows and rolled down the window, and it was very windy the trees were moving like crazy, "you good?" Freddy says as he sits down next to me, i nodd and lean my head against his shoulder ⚠️no ship⚠️ i yawn and look at freddy, he chuckles and carefully pats my head, i stick out my tongue and close my eyes, im tired again- i get very tired very quickly like only when i move a little im tired already, im getting TIRED about it >:3, puns because why NUT, freddy was acting very sweet you could say hes a HONEY bear, i can go on with this for hours XD.

"Hey freddy?" He looks at me, "yeah?", "what does the owl say to a footbal player?" He looks like hes thinking about it for a second, "i dont know what?" Molten starts chuckeling so i guess he knows the joke- "boehoe" the others had heard it too and chuckled about it aswell, "bryan has the joke pants on" molten then says, they others say hes right and molten continues with searching.

*moltens POV*

Bryan was having a joky moment, i continued with searching of the weird liquid, i have been searching for it for hours and when i finally found it i felt like i just sank through the floor, i red what was on the page in my head the liquid is called ^karen syndrom^

"MOLTEN THATS NOT IN THE SCRIPT!" i yell while the others are wheezing their asses off, "I HAD TO CREATOR I JUST HAD TO!" molten yells back, "just continue and say the right line this time- "fine".



i red the page in my head, its called water intoxication- (i actually searched it up UnU) i- how tf am i gonna tell the others thay this aint cureable- and how am i gonna tell bryan!- oh gosh darnit why am i always the person to have to do this stuff- i dont think i will tell bryan because i know hes gonna freak out and hurt himself, the medicine we gave him does seem to surpress the pain though, i mean we couldnt even move without hurting himself at first, and now hes crawling around on the floor like a moron, now its actually up to us if we want him to suffer like this or that we...- i mean it will hurt a lot since it will littarly kill him from the inside...

This is gonna be a hard decision i need freddy for this, but hes busy with bryan so i will have a talk with him as soon as bryan falls asleep, which is probably not gonna take long since he was yawning before, the twisteds havent shown themselves after leaving last night, same as shadow bonnie, lets just hope they will be on time before anything happens.


(HI :3 end of chapter 21! I hope you enjoyed :3)

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