Chapter 18

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*bryans POV*

It was early in the morning 2 days after the incident- molten and i were hanging out at random places, like in lefty's laugh house, the icecream shop, the bakery of ballora, the pizzaria and lefty's ferrist wheel, molten and i had climbed to the top of it and just watched the sun come up, it was around 8 am at the moment so the sun was still low, the sky was a very beautiful orange red, molten and i have been hanging out more and more lately when i dont have to work, i guess hes too worried about me to leave me alone-

It has been half an hour, the sun was up a little more and the sky started to turn back into blue, molten told me jon had asked him to come, apparently jon had trouble with being ceo again, and hes telling me im useless XD, but anyways molten had to go so he picked me up and brought me down, he put me on the floor and headed off, i walked around park after that for a while... i know molten told me not to go to the potral again but..- i wanna see them again- its kinda boring here, i went over to the portal and didnt get caught this time, we did the same thing as last time, play alchopoli is out passion-

This time i had a big oof, everyone went against me cus they know im to good at this game, i had to drink a lot! I guess i got a little drunk and just headed home after that, i stepped out of the portal still drunk but not passing out this time, i walk outside and it was already dark, i guess we lost track of time, i struggled to walk and just tried to get back to the hotel, as i was on my way there i see something move in the corner of my eye, i didnt pay attention to it and continued walking home, which was a stupid idea but like i said i was drunk- i couldnt help it!

I got tackled from behind and knocked out, i have no idea how who or what but i woke up the next day in my room- i felt weird and very akward for some reason, i slowly sat up and looked around, no ones here thats new- i layed back down and closed my eyes, man my back hurts- i just went back to sleep and ignored it, whatever peeps i dont care!

*??? POV*

"How did your mission go?"
"It was succesful sir"
"Did she?-"
"Yes sir she did"
"did you mark him?"
"Yes sir"

*day before*

*moltens POV*

Jon was very- off today, i mean he was missing something for sure, i just went for it and asked it, "ok just tell me whats up already" jon looked at me in shock, he had bags under his eyes and he wasnt wearing make up, "i- its just bryan ya know..-" of course, first blaming him and getting mad at him and after that wanting him back, he hurted bryan.... "if you want bryan back you need to go say sorry yourself, i said and slammed the door shut behind me, man i was pissed at him, im just gonna go home and charge, bryans hanging out with lefty anyways so i dont think he would be getting in trouble.

*back to current time*

*Bryans POV*

I stretched and slowly got up, man im tired, its currently 11 am so i had to get up, i walk into the bathroom and change my clothing, i just realised i had wore the same clothing for over a week- what hygene? Never heard of it!, so i walk out of the bathroom and put on my shirt, not even two seconds later molten bursted into my room with some others, they locked the door and blocked off the windows and balcony- i am so confused-

"Whats going on?" I asked i mean they dont do this without a reason- "something came out of the portal and its attacking everyone" freddy said, thats new something that didnt attack me first- "you are currently not the stongest so we rushed over here to protect you" molten then said, i kinda felt offended by that but whatever, "so what now?" I asked, they looked at each other and shrugged, "i dont know what do you wanna do?" Ballora said, "well i dont k-" i got rudely interupted by sound coming from outside my room, i  walked over to molten and hid behind him, (still no ship =_=)

*moltens POV*

Bryans scared, how i know? Well hes hiding behind me, bryan only hides behind me when hes scared or tired, i will protect him no matter what! "This thing cant get in" i said to the others, some used their body the block off the door even more, i just sat down on bryans bed just petting bryan- dont ask i dont know why i did that, the sound stopped after a while, i guess it left but we arent sure, i stop petting bryan and look at him, "ups-" i say, "what did you do molten?" Lefty asked, "bryan fell asleep again" i said while chuckeling about it.

*??? POV*

shoot, they blocked off every entrance to the room, i need to get in or boss will never forgive me, i look at the syringe, if i dont give him this then it will cost me my life, better his then mine- the boss had put a weird liquid in the syringe, he didnt tell me what it was though, i look around trying to find another way in, i see a vent on the left side of the room, i put the syringe in my mouth and jump up to the vent, i carefully and quietly open it and close it behind me, just on time to, "its gone" i hear as soon as i closed the vent.

I crawl further through the vent and notice the room he is in, theirs a lot of people there, i could jump down inject him and jump back up, thats a good plan, their distracted with each other no ones paying attention to the boy, i quietly open the vent and jump down.



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