Chapter 19

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(Hey guys i wanna start off with a announcement! I am taking a break for at least a week from my stories im kinda stressed out and just want to take some time for myself and get some rest- it doesnt mean this story is discontinued i will continue it next week! Enjoy this chapater though!)


*??? POV*

I jump down and just immediatly put it in his neck, the other people heard me land on the ground so they looked at me confused and mad, i injected it and jumped back up with some help of the wall, i crawl through the vents outside and jump down, i run off as fast as i can, their not following me though, which is kinda strange- i run off and jump onto the wall of the themepark, i jump off the wall and run into the woods, i have to thank alec for the disraction at the portal.

*moltens POV*

The strange figure had escaped- we were more worried about bryan though, he already was so weak before, and we dont know what they injected him with, r.freddy is currently looking at his stats, if it gets too dangerous for him we will move him to the informary, we have more stuff to keep him stable there, my first quest is to find out what was in the syringe, i pick up the syringe they had dropped before jumping into the vents, i scanned the weird liqiud on the end of the needle, it doesnt stand in my database though- its a non-existing liquid-

"His bloodpressure is getting pretty low" r.freddy then mentioned, i snapped out of it and put down the syringe, r.freddy was right his blood pressure was getting very low, maybe the liquid slows down their heart beat which causes them to havw less blood in their body which----
(After molten was done saying theories)
I walk over to bryan and pick him up, he body my litteraly like a bag of potatoes- very weak, smal and fragile- i walked out of the room with bryan, the others followed with their worried faces, lets hope this d*ck head is alright after all of this-

*??? POV*

"did you succeed maika?"
"Yes sir the liquid had been injected"
"May i ask a question sir?"
"I dont like questions but go on"
"What was in the syringe?"
"Sorry sir i will leave!"
"You better"

*Bryans POV*

"UNO" i yell, "HOW WE JUST STARTED!" flame yells, the others just stare at me with a no look- i nodd and laugh,
"blue 2" olympus/angel said, "red 2" flame said, "red 5" t.bonnie said, i smirk and lay down my last card "red 1" flame then got mad and yeeted the table across the room, "sigh" not again- olympus and i start to collect all the cards and t.bonnie is trying to calm down flame, flame isnt the player that can handel their loss that easly, it all the sudden went quiet- people were talking but- i couldnt hear them- i started to get dizzy so i drop the cards i just had picked up and grab the wall, olympus ran towards me and grabbed my shoulders, my body felt so weak all the sudden it was like my whole body was just pudding-

My bones and mussels felt so weird and they hurted so much, i fell to the ground and grabbed my head, it started to hurt so much! I cant keep my balance i cant stand up i cant hear- olympus has caught me luckly otherwise i wouldve hit the ground with my head, some of the others came running from the other room and flame and t.bonnie camw rushing towards me as well, what was going on?! Im so confused! Did something happen to my fysical body?-

It has been 5 minutes now since it happened, flame had picked me up and layed me down on the couch, the others were so worried they just stayed by myside while i was struggeling to keep my eyes open, i could move around a little here and there but i couldnt get up nor talk, i can hear what others are saying again though- they dont know why i was so hurt all the sudden, this has never happened here before, it wasnt even possible to get hurt in this dimension to begin with, thats what confuses us the most.

*back to moltens POV*

We put bryan in the informary looking if we can help him, his blood pressure got very low in the past few minutes, if it gets any lower his heart could stop beating so he could die from it, r.freddy is trying to get some medicine from the
Hospital nearby and yes hes stealing it i mean its 2 am- so people will be tired so less alert- lets just pray hes on time-


(SO end of chapter 19! Hope you enjoyed ALSO like i said incase you didnt read it i am taking a break- at least for a week- so dont worry if you dont see me update these books in a week im kinda stressed and since i have a vacation right now i can just lay back and not do anything for once XD so i cya after my break!)

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