Okay so hear me out

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So, since it's taking me forever to get the actual chapter out, have this little bullshit thing I wrote awhile ago.

Tonight was the night. Tonight was the night. Everyone had been waiting this night since the first snowfall. It was time for the big hockey match. Every year the nations would get on the ice. It was Christmas Eve , and that meant game time.
The nations who were in the audience, either because they didn't like to play or because they didn't feel like getting shown up by Canada (it's not Australia's fault he doesn't get much practice, and Canada is really good!) were on the edge of the ice. Their nervous yet excited chatter was the only thing that could be heard. It was 9:30, the game was expected to be over at midnight, the winning team was one more thing to celebrate on such a happy day.
The players were about to start the game, the crowd shouting at the ones they wanted so badly to get the puck, it was Canada, Russia, America, Hungary, Italy, and Prussia against the Nordics and Estonia. Everyone called the game 'Nordics + 1 vs. HIP CAR (America and Prussia insisted on that instead of CARHIP). Canada ended up getting the puck, they were passing it along to each other, hoping to be the first to score. After almost two minutes of just passing the puck around, Russia shot, it didn't go in though, Estonia ,who was acting as goalie, intercepted it.
At first it was ten minutes, then fifteen, and no one had scored yet, everyone was getting more and more nervous as the timer went down. The buzzer went off. The first period was over and there was not a single point made. The players went off the field to strategize.
    After seventeen minutes had passed, it was time for the game to start once again. This time, Iceland had the puck, he only had it for a few seconds before America got it from him, then a few seconds after that Denmark got it back. After going back and forth for several minutes, Norway managed to keep it for a small while, before Prussia got it again and the cycle repeated.
    After fifteen minutes of actual chaos from not really knowing who had the puck, Canada got it and was able to score a point! HIP CAR's side of the ice exploded into cheers, as they had just gotten the first point of the game. The excitement was short lived however because only a minute later the Nordics had made a point as well. Then it was back and forth again until the period ended.
After the second intermission, the third period went mostly the same as the first two, but with three seconds left, the Nordics shot. Everyone waited, holding their breath, to see if the puck would go in. And it did. Right before the buzzer went off.
The Nordics side erupted, all that could be heard was the cheers of their team's fans. It was so loud, no one was able to hear the ice crack. It would have gone unnoticed if it wasn't for the fact that a few seconds later, just as the teams met in the middle to shake hands, all the players had fallen into the freezing water.
It went dead silent, no one was sure what to do, this had never happened before. Just as they were starting to panic, the majority of the nations resurfaced, and got out of the new and improved ice bucket challenge water, they then realized that not everyone had come back up. There were three that had yet to be seen. America, Prussia, and Denmark.
Everyone's panic started to rise once again, and just as Germany was about to dive down to retrieve the ones that had not come up yet, the three broke the surface supporting a completely new team from how much they were laughing. They immediately started making up names.
    After the two shivering nations were fussed over by about a dozen others (Denmark was kinda used to this stuff), they all finally went inside to warm up. They started a big fire and everyone sat around it  and drank hot chocolate. They all made a mental note to make sure the ice was sturdy enough for a hockey game for the next year.

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