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Hello everyone who has bothered to stay. So, you must be asking yourselves? The fuck is it this time? Well, I think I'm finally getting back into this (with some serious plot changes cuz jesus fuck some of those decisions were bad). Anyway, what's with the change of heart you may ask? Well, I'm watching Hetalia again for the first time in a long ass time. and as a result, i want to finish the goddamn fic, cuz i feel bad for abandoning it, cuz i do know people enjoyed this. Also my ass is quarentined cuz I have covid and so I am going insane and figured i'd make someone happy while I suffer. So, give me a bit of time, some of the chapter will be rewritten, (I'll let you know which ones so you can go back and read). Am i proud of the start of this story now? Not entirely. Am I going to go back a rewrite is because I've matured as a writer? Also no, I'm lazy. So y'all are just going to have to deal with the sudden style change. And, since you have stuck with my dumbass for so long, y'all can ask some questions and I'll answer them :).

Edit: I am rereading the story, Im rewriting this shit :) some characters won'r be in the rewrite simply because I do not know how i will write them, and its not like they were doing a whole hell of a lot in the story. So, it will (with a few exceptions prbably) just be characters in the anime that I can figure out a characterization for. Sorry if I offend anyone with who i dont include.

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