Chapter Ten (yet to be rewritten)

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Trigger Warning. First paragraph has mention of suicide, and the topics from last chapter, and so does most of the rest of the chapter, though not as bad.

Ludwig picked up Feliciano's unconscious form, and set him on the bed before he started to panic. And he almost passed out from panicking because, holy shit the guy who he was madly in love with, who was one of the most cheerful nations, just tried to fucking kill himself. He realized that blood was still coming from the Italian's arms, so he went into the bathroom, tried to ignore all the blood, and got a first-aid kit. He tended to Feliciano's arms, before leaning back, a few tears streaming down his cheeks. At that moment Ludwig knew that he would never allow the nation beside him to doubt himself, or get hurt, ever again. He fell asleep with those thoughts.


Romeo was in his room, he was with Anthony in his room, he had already recounted the events that happened between his two brothers. He was stressed about how his brothers were doing, how would their reactions be to that? He had watched his brothers fight before, mostly just Lovino yelling at Feliciano, as the middle child hardly ever fought back, but there were a few times where both of them were going at it.  They always made up afterwards, sometimes they would toe that line of going too far, but they never went that far over, a few hours later they would have apologized and gone back to normal. This fight, however, went so far passed that line, that by the end, he couldn't even see the damn thing.

Anthony was getting worried because his closest friend (also the guy he liked) was so totally stressing about his family issues. If you think that's bad, you would hate it back home, was the main thing going through his mind. He was worried, though it seemed like the Italian did not notice due to his stress.

"Anthony, what's gonna happen you think? They fight sometimes, but I've never seen Feli yell back at Lovi, what if they can't make up after this? Oh god! What if one of them did something stupid? What if they both did something stupid? What if-" The American cut off the Italian.

"Stop worrying, they'll be fine, but with the way you are stressing you won't be." Anthony said, trying to let the sweet boy he was when he was when alone show into his tough guy mask. It only slightly worked.

Romeo looked at his friend, sighed, and thought, this is it, this is when I tell him. We're alone, he building me up. It's now or never.

Anthony looked at the wall and thought, what the hell, why not tell him.

So at the same time, they both blurted out, "Hey I got something to tell you." They kinda looked at each other for a second. "You go first." Anthony said, trying to make sure that he wasn't about to get asked about what another nation thought about the Italian. He's probably gonna ask about Gianna, he asked her out once, probably gonna ask if I think he has a chance.

Romeo was unsure about going first, but decided he would anyway. "So, um, I was gonna say, that, Ilikeyoualotsopleasegooutonadatewithme." He rushed the last part out and closed his eyes, not wanting to see the other micronation's reaction. 

Anthony was blushing out of his mind and didn't know what to do, so he did what the majority of his brain was thinking about, and he kissed Romeo. Romeo's eyes shot open, before he closed them again. He knew what Anthony's answer was, and he wanted to show that he understood, so he kissed back with just as much enthusiasm. The kiss was slow, passionate, and filled with inexperienceness.

"Not that I'm complaining, but what made you do that?" Romeo asked looking at his new boyfriend. 

"It's what the majority of my brain was thinking."

"Majority, what was the other part thinking about?"

"Half was worrying if you were gonna ask about Gianna, and the other half was wondering if penguins have knees."

"Why would I be asking about Gianna, after that one date, I only saw her as a friend from then on." Romeo said with a reassuring look on his face. "Also, yes, penguins do have knees." After that they went straight back to kissing.

After a few minutes of kissing, Romeo decided that he should go tell the other nations what had happened, but he dragged Anthony along so he wouldn't get nervous, or say something that he shouldn't. As they walked out Romeo grabbed Anthony's hand, and when they walked into the dining room, three people immediately took notice.

The two older micronations were almost tackled by the three younger ones as they all had immediately looked at the entwined hands. Peter started crying about that since those two had gotten together they wouldn't want to hang out anymore, Wendy was muttering about how it was time they got together, and Hugo going off about how a new relationship is considered art. Alfred looked over and gave Anthony a thumbs up.

After they had calmed Peter and Hugo down (easier said than done), Romeo decided to tell the nations the basics of the fight, but left out the majority of it for his brothers' sakes. After he was done explaining, Ludwig came in looking kinda pale, as he said that they might not be able to continue reading tomorrow, and he explained why, and what he had walked in on.

Once Ludwig was done, Romeo ran to Feliciano's room, and saw his brother unconscious, he almost threw up. He realized that if Feli was like this, Lovino was probably bad too. He ran to Lovino's room and opened the door, he saw Antonio and his brother cuddled together, he looked down at Lovino's arms, and that time he did throw up. 

He ran to his room, and his stomach  was emptied in an instant. Anthony walked in and sat by his new boyfriend. Romeo broke down and cried into Anthony's shirt. And they sat like that for what seemed like an eternity, until Anthony finally coaxed Romeo into getting into bed and sleeping, on the condition that Anthony would be right there with him. Anthony took what he could get. be continued


Hey guys, thank you for reading the tenth chapter to A World of Secrets. And I want to let you guys know, that for the next three weeks I'll probably be updating a lot more, because I live in Ohio, and the governor just said that all schools in Ohio are to be closed for the next three weeks, and I go to a Catholic school, and our spring break is dependent on when Easter is, and it's a few days after we get back, so i don't know how that situation will work out. But anyways, I'll be writing more to keep myself from death from boredom. Like it's gonna be bad. Anyway, I wanna thank you guys for almost 800 reads now. I never thought I'd even get 100 reads, and now there's the better part of 1,000, which is huge for me. Also, yes I know this update is late at night, but you'll be getting a lot of updates this next few weeks. All suggestions on who to add or headcanons, or really anything are still being welcomed. Anyway, you guys will hear from me soon. Bye!

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