Chapter Five (yet to be rewritten)

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Trigger warning! This chapter has a strong mention of bulimia/anorexia. This is one of the few times I feel as though a trigger warning is absolutely necessary. The mention is after the first little line of faces. There is also slight mention of suicide but not as major as the eating disorders

Kiku was about to sit down when he received a text from Tino and Berwald, it was a picture of the note. He paled as he read it and saw Alfred on the list. He knew that he needed to help his friend, though he was unsure of how to do that.

Germany also got a text, it was the note. He paled when he saw that his brother and the cheerful Italian he had grown so close to on that list. And it made him slightly sad that two nations, who are always so cheerful would do that to themselves.

Much of the same happened with Antonio, Francis, Emil, Yao, and Feliks, all reacting differently. They all were on mostly on the same page of what to do. They were all going to do their best to help those on the list.


Here's where the trigger warning was talking about

Alfred was feeling sick, he knew that he was one of the ones the second part of that last entry. He was eating more than his stomach could handle, as he had not eaten this regularly for a very long time. He ran into the bathroom, and he started to vomit up the food he so severely needed. Once he had started, however, he couldn't make himself.

After he had finally stopped vomiting, he still felt very full, so he made himself vomit. Again and again and again. He had made himself throw up so much that he ended up passing out.

Trigger warning over


Kiku was running to his room. He had not seen Alfred go into the dining room, and after he received the text with the picture of that note, he was getting worried. He was running when he heard vomiting, then silence, then a thud and immediately felt his stomach drop. He ran into the bathroom to see Alfred passed out. He ran into the hallway to yell for Gilbert and Matthais, as they were two of his closest friends, and he knew he wouldn't be able to pick up Alfred, not because of his wait, but because of the size difference. Alfred was pretty fucking tall, and Kiku was the exact opposite.

The two members of the Awesome Trio ran in to see the third member of their group passed out, much like Kiku had. The short man wet a washcloth with cool water to put on his friends head, as the two taller men put the unconscious American on his bed.

Gilbert and Matthias walked back out to tell the rest of the countries what happened, and that it would be best if they held off on reading for the rest of the night. Kiku stayed with Alfred for the rest of that night.


Emil, Tino, and Berwald all shared a look and asked Lukas and Matthias for an emergency Nordic meeting (which they had to whisper about so that Eduard wouldn't try to barge in). They all walked into the living room and had Matthias and Lukas sit on the couches, while the other three stood around them. Tino passed the two on the couch the note and they both knew exactly what this "emergency Nordic meeting" was all about.

Emil looked at his elder brother and started to tear up, though they could all tell he was trying to hide it. He eventually broke and started to sob, he went to hug his brother and started to mumble unintelligible words into his shirt. Lukas was slightly shocked but hugged him back non the less. All he could make out was, "Please don't try again big brother," and "I need you," both of which broke his heart slightly, as Emil never called him big brother, and he was always trying to say that he was an adult and independent.

Lukas just looked at the Dane, then the Swede, then Finn, and then finally the Icelandic boy clinging to him. He then made a promise that he hoped he would be able to keep. He promised that he wouldn't try to end himself again. He just hoped that he could keep that promise.

Matthias looked and noticed Tino and Berwald looking at him almost expectantly, he sighed and nodded at them. He had just silently promised the same thing thing the other had. He joined in on Emil's and Lukas' hug, then pulled Tino and Berwald in, all of them having tears in their eyes (Berwald just kinda had a look that if you knew him enough you could tell he was crying on the inside).


Mostly everyone on the list got talked to and they all walked back into the dining room with tear streaks on their faces, pretty much everyone could figure out why. They all decided that for the rest of the night they would all play different games that they found/ came up with.


Thank you for reading the fifth chapter of A World of Secrets! Yes I know that this is late at night, but for me it's still Thursday soooo.... Anyway I know I need a reason for posting so late, and my reason is I'm still fucking sick! And it's only gotten worse. So I'm sorry if this is not my best work, and that it's short. Like I said, I'm sick so cut me some slack. I'm trying to push through the sickness so I can update. Also, I'm taking requests for entries, and a ship for Belarus. I'm probably going to add more characters later on, so if there's anyone you want to see let me know!

A World of Secrets (Being Rewritten)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora