Chapter Sixteen (yet to be rewritten)

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I'm back bitches!!!!

"Sooo, Lilly, how are you feeling about going to the dance with Raivis?" Elizabeta asked, as she pulled the younger girl's hair into a few pins. They were getting ready for the dance, and once Elizabeta asked about Raivis, she went silent and her face went scarlet.  Bella and Gianna both laughed.

"What about you, Elizabeta? I heard that you were going with Vlad." Bella said, looking at Lilly, who was clearly thankful for the attention being brought off of her. "How are you feeling about that?"

Elizabeta sighed. You could tell she was conflicted. "Well I heard that Gianna was going with your brother."  She changed the subject. 

"Not new information." Bella was not shocked.

"Aren't you going with Véronique?" Gianna asked. It was Bella's turn to blush. She muttered a stuttered reply that no one could really understand unless they had Godlike hearing, which, sadly, non of them possessed. 

They were all pretty much ready, and they all looked hot. 

"I wonder what the ancients have planned for us?" Lilly was looking at herself in the mirror while she asked no one in particular. She was not used to bring so dressed up as she and Vash never really got out of the house much since he was such a hermit.

"Yeah, that's a good point Lilly. The ancients said they were going to plan this, but from what Feliciano said about Rome when he was a kid has made me question what he would do for this, because he was apparently big on parties, just different from what we're used to." Elizabeta said, slightly sad when remembering the young Feli, but being happy about how much he had grown.

"Lovino told me a few things when he was younger as well. Though, now that I think about it, he might of made some of that stuff up, he never really seemed to have happy memories with Rome. Whenever he talked about him he was always slightly sad, and I never realized why." Bella said, having much the same feeling as Elizabeta.

"Well, anyway, we should probably get going, don't want to keep our dates waiting." Gianna said, trying to get everyone out of the room. Everyone nodded and got the rest of their things together, and then with that, they left.


"Matthias, dude, holy crap I'm nervous." Alfred was basically wailing as he tied his tie. Matthias gave him a look that was screaming 'bitch what the fuck?' and Gilbert was smiling at himself in the mirror, trying to get himself ready for Alfred to beat the shit out of him, as he still didn't believe that he wasn't mad about him dating his brother.

"I don't see why, Kiku has been nothing but supportive to you, and anyone who has eyes can see how much he cares about you. So come on bro, you've got nothing to worry about." Matthias said, holding a tie up in the mirror, seeing if he really needed it. He decided that fuck the tie, he can just unbutton the top few buttons, cause he was cool like that. (And he was sure Norge would kick his ass if he ever wore a tie again after hearing what was happening to his vocal cords.)

"Both of you shut your traps and tell me if this tie looks good." Gilbert said, with his signature laugh following his words. Said tie though was a nice red tie, and his suit jacket was unbuttoned. They both nodded. It was shocking that they all looked good, as the ancients were the ones to pick out their outfits, but it turned out that the ancients had a better sense of style than half of them.

All three members of the awesome trio had the same base outfit, a black suit, white dress shirt, and black tie, but they were all wearing it slightly different. Gilbert had his jacket unbuttoned and his tie slightly loose around his neck, Matthias had his jacket buttoned but with no tie, and Alfred was Little Miss Perfect with his tie expertly tied and his jacket buttoned because he's a basic bitch.

They laughed a little longer before they all finally got off their asses and left to go get their dates from the other room. But before Alfred could go get Kiku, he had to make a stop for someone else with his dear brother.


"Dad holy shit, how the fuck am I going to do this. I can't do this shit. He's gonna think I'm weird, he's gonna think I'm stupid because he's gonna find out I can't dance for shit." Not sure if you could tell, but Anthony was losing his shit, and Alfred and Matthew just looked on as he ranted.

"Anthony, one, don't cuss. Two, you can do this. Three, how the fuck does your ability to dance effect your intelligence?" Alfred said.

"Why the fuck can you cuss but I can't fucking cuss?"

"Don't fucking cuss at me Anthony!"

"Why the fuck can't I"

"How about none of us fucking cuss, you dumb fucks." Matthew was fucking tired of their fucking bullshit. Fuck.

"That's a solid point Matty." Alfred said, trying to remember what he was talking about before cussing about not cussing. Wait, his son was having a gay panic, that's what was happening. He's a great parent. "Anyway, I'm sure Romeo doesn't care about how well you can dance. And besides, if you're worried about if he thinks you're weird or not, he's stuck with you this long hasn't he.

"If I know the Vargases, which I'm sure I do, I know that they don't mind weird. They know what it's like to be weird. So Romeo is gonna be fine with you being a weirdo, because he's a weirdo too, and weirdos love weirdos. You get it ya weirdo."  That speech made Alfred sound like a weirdo, but it got the point across to the younger weirdo that was Anthony. 

Matthew rolled his eyes at his brother and nephew and dragged them out of the gay panic room towards the room that the ancients had set the dance up in. And so, they went to find their dates in a room of a hell of a lot more gay panic, there was some straight panic, but that wasn't near the level of gay panic going around.


Holy shit I'm back after another month of silence, and like 2 months since my last actual update. So thank you for reading the sixteenth chapter of A World of Secrets and thank you to those who stuck around for my return, and thank you to those who were supportive of me when I apologized for my disappearance. It's like 5 am here so sorry if this is lowkey shit but it exists now, and I had to fight through writers block for the first half, so this probably sucks ass. So no I am not dead, and even with me thinking this is bad I do feel like I've gotten slightly better at writing, so I guess that the hiatus did that for me. The reason why I'm back to writing is because cheer practice has started and I'm being social and I've gotten out of the weird place quarantine got me in. So, I'm gonna try to be more consistent with my updates but I'm not giving any promises, because when I promise shit I get writers block. I'm still taking suggestions so leave those in the comments. Also, I got addicted to My Hero Academia and holy shit I'm so mad that my cousin was right that I would love it. How would you guys feel if I wrote a My Hero fanfic, it'd be different from this and prob wouldn't be out for a while but how would you feel? Also, for anyone in the big cities, or just cities with the most protests, please stay safe, take the proper precautions, and don't be stupid if you are attending the protests. So anyway, until the next update my friends, be safe and don't die. Bye!

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