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How it all started:
Third person POV
It was a normal day in Paris for Marinette. She was going to school to meet up with her best friend Alya. When she saw her crush Adrien Agreste. Oh how she loved that boy. But nothing would prepare her for what was about to happen next. She walked into the classroom and saw all the seats switched around and the last thing or person she expected to see Lila Rossi sitting next to the boy she loved so dearly and spewing lies. Oh how she hated that girl.

Marinette originally thought that Adrien was her soulmate but it has already been Adrien's birthday and his eye changed to a different color. She vowed if she didn't have a soulmate she would still love him either way and she still loves him even though she knows he has a soulmate. Why does she even she doesn't know why.

Marinette walked up to talk to Alya but was soon slapped and guess who it was Alya. Marinette doesn't know why Alya slapped her but she would soon find out. "WHY WOULD YOU HIT LILA?" asked Alya. "I CAN'T BE FRIENDS WITH SOMEONE WHO HURTS OTHER PEOPLE MUCH LESS BE BEST FRIENDS WITH THEM!" Marinette was to dumbfounded by what just happened to process what she just said and started to cry. "YEAH THAT IS RIGHT YOU SHOULD CRY!" yelled Alya and boy let me tell you a mad Alya is not someone to mess with but what happens next will make her even more angrier and that is not pretty.

Nino comes in the room and asks "What happened to Marinette?" Asked Nino. "What happened to Marinette... WHAT HAPPENED TO MARINETTE THAT IS ALL YOU ARE GOING TO ASK AFTER SHE HIT AND THREATENED LILA?" Alya yelled at Nino. Nino is furious after this because Marinette is like a sister to him and definitely does not believe Lila one bit, but turns out his girlfriend does so he makes a hard (Not that hard) decision that moment "If you believe Lila then you are dumb Alya, Marinette would never do that. But if you want to believe Lila over your best friend than I breaking up with you and this MY decision no one else's" Nino says. Nino doesn't know his soulmate yet because he isn't 16 yet so he doesn't know for sure that Alya is his soulmate. That is when Adrien decides to step in and that was NOT a very good decision on his part. " Hey Nino don't you think that is a bit rash I mean Lila isn't doing anything wrong, so there is no reason you shouldn't still be with Alya." says Adrien and that is when Marinette decided's to speak up "Really Adrien it is not like she just took my best friend from me by lying." Marinrtte says and by now Marinette pissed off not only by Lila but also by Adrien the boy she loved so dearly now, now there is nothing between them. Now she notices her crush on him was basically just a big obsession.

Marinette left the classroom after the sudden realization just like a slap in the face oh how stupid does she feel now. She runs to the bathroom trying to hold in her tears because she just found out that her so called "crush" was basically just all a lie.

That is the moment THE Chloe Bourgeois decided to come into the bathroom that Marinette was in. But Marinette couldn't care less right now. She knew Chloe had a soulmate already because she was 16 and her eye was a bit of a deeper blue than her original one almost like the deep ocean.

Chloe came up to Marinette and apologizes to her for how as she puts it 'RIDICULOUS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS' she was. Turns out she was just jealous of Marinette because she had the best home life and made friends really quickly. Marinette forgave her and they walked out of the bathroom together and saw Nino standing there bewildered.

Nino asks "Hey what are you guys doing? You aren't insulting one another or even being mean to each other for that matter." They just shrug it off and laugh at each other like they are old friends. They start to head back to class but not before the topic of soulmates come up. Chloe asks Marinette "Hey Marinette have you ever thought of what your soulmate might look like?" Marinette responds by saying " Oh all the time I used to think it could have been Adrien and we were meant for each other but now I think I will just turn out to have a gray eye with no soulmate." Marinette says. Nino and Chloe look at Marinette bewildered because they would have never guessed that someone so sweet would have ever said anything like that.

Marinette soon changes the topic because it hurts a little for her. They get back to class and everyone is glaring at them with so much hatred it almost rival the bat glare. Key word : almost. Soon enough Ms. Bustier comes in and starts the class not realizing the tension in the room.

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