Chapter 6

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Bruce's POV :
I was looking through all the submissions for my essay contes when I came across one that caught my eye.

Dear Mr.Bruce Wayne
Hi I would like to start off this letter by saying thank you for at least looking at my essay because I know there must be a bunch of people entering this contest and belobe me I know what it is like to run a business and stay up all night reading emails. I am not going to tell you what my business is because it will just incline you to pick me more and I don't want to have more of an advantage than the others.

Now for why my class should get this opportunity, I think my class deserves this opportunity because there are a bunch of Akuma's here in Paris and we can't let out our emotions but that is besides the point and I don't want you to pick us out of pity because we can't let out our emotions. But we do have a bunch of talented people in our class.

Like Rose Lavillant, she sometimes works with Prince Ali at children's hospitals and is now running a successful perfume online store called "Roses Fragrance." Rose used to also be the lead singer in kitty section. I used 'used' in past tense because they broke up for personal reasons.

Then there is Mylène Haprèle, she is a very sweet girl that has a dream of becoming a Broadway star and going into performing like her father. She has been in a few school plays and school films. The biggest thing she was in was a Bell commercial for the holidays and she has done it twice so I wouldn't doubt that she has a lot of potential.

There is Juleka Couffaine, she aspires to be a model and has done a few modeling jobs here and there. She is a very shy girl who usually doesn't speak up for herself much but when she does she makes sure it gets heard. She has modeld for my old brand and the Agrest brand. I will say she has the potentiality be a good model if she speaks up more.

Next is Ivan Bruel, don't let his massive size get the best if you be is actually a big sweetheart and is a hard core rock fan. He used to be apart of the band kitty section as the drummer but like I said they broke up. He is the soulmate of Mylène and will defend his friends at any cost.

Next is Max Kantè, he designed his own AI to help him with school, play video games with him, and just have fun in general. Max is a very smart kid and I wouldn't pass it upon me to not think of him being really good at technology and engineering one day.

Next is Nathaniel Kurtzburg, he is a very talented artist and has done a bunch of different comics with Marc. He is always a neutral in anything two people do because he doesn't want to get involved in much. He is a bit shy but his sketch's say it all for him.

Next is Lè Chiên Kim, but most people just call him Kim. He is a very talented athlete and has potential to be in the Olympics when he is older. He is a very good swimmer so I am going to bet that he would be a swimmer in the Olympics.

Next is Sabrina Raincomprix, she is a very nice girl and is very loyal to whoever she is with. She will make sure that her best friend will always be safe. She wants to follow in her father's footsteps as a cop. I think she would be very successful at it.

Next is Adrien Agrest, he is a model for his fathers company the Agrest brand which is very successful. He is one of the top models in Paris. He likes to stick with the group and tries to keep the peace between his friends.

Next is Alya Cesair, she wants to become a reporter she has the potential if she fact checks. She has a blog named the Ladyblog but for now it has lies on it but the first videos she posted were very good. She has gotten a lot of interviews with Ladybug and a few with her team.

Next is Lila Rossi, she is a model at the Agrest brand and is the girlfriend of Adrien Agrest. She likes to tell tall tales. She has been on the Ladyblog more than once so she has been heard of. I think she is a really talented model and she has potential.

Next is Alix Kubdel, she is the daredevil of the group. Don't let her small demeanor fool you because she is like a little fireball. She is really good at sports especially roller skating. She used to make bets with Kim and should would most likely always win. I think she could also make it to the olympics if she wanted.

Next is Nino Lahiffe, he is a very talented DJ and has DJ'ed for many party's and famous people. Nino has a lot of potential of skyrocketing in his business. Nino is very chill and is also one of the ones that tries to keep peace between his friends.

Next is Chloe Bourgeois, she is the daughter of  the Mayor of Paris and style queen. But don't let her old bratty personality fool you she is very capable and is a very successful lawyer at her age.( I don't know what to do for her age) She is very nice and loyal once you get to crack her hard outer shell.

Last but not least me. I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I am a rising fashion designer and I would love for me and my class to come to Gotham because I just think it is so inspirational because you have hero's like we have here. The difference between our superhero's and yours are yours are normal people that risk their lives for their city and here in Paris we have stuff that fixes everything. I also like to think your people are very strong to stay even though there are people that are always going to be bad but they have hope and I believe if they have hope so can I.

Thank you for your time Mr. Wayne. You don't have to pick mine but if you do I consider myself very lucky. Bye!

To :
From :

Once Bruce was done reading it he knew it was the one. So he went downstairs to show his sons the paper with a small smile on his face.

Third Person POV :
All of the boys were sitting in the living room when Bruce came down with a small smile on his face. Then there was the jaw dropping question that Jason asked "Why are you smiling?" Bruce just handed him the paper and after a while Jason started smiling to then he handed the paper to Dick who started to read it. After everyone read it they all said at the same time "This is the one."

(A/N sorry I haven't been posting I just started school up again. Also I finished doing this during math class but I still got good grades so good job me. This is also the longest chapter I wrote hope you liked it. Bye!)

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