Chapter 4

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3rd Person POV :
After Marinette and her friends were done fawning over her eye, Marinette went on her computer and when she opened to pintrest to get fashion inspiration she saw an ad for an essay competition to go to Gotham for a month. For some reason Marinette felt like she had to do the essay for some reason. Like it was waiting for her to do it. So she started on the essay without her friends knowledge.

It is Monday morning now and Marinette is not looking forward to school at all. She had to cover her eye so no one would know it was her birthday or she had a soulmate. So she set off to school with her kwami. Once she got to school she saw one heck of a scene. On one side Lila was crying her crocodile tears with her posse and on the other side was a really angry Chloe and the rest of the MPS trying to hold her back. When Marinette got there it went into full chaos. Marinette was wondering what was going on until Alya shouted "OH LOOK IT IS THE GIRL WHO THOUGHT TO TELL NO ONE IT WAS HER BIRTHDAY, SHE IS PROBABLY COVERING IT UP BECAUSE SHE HAS NO SOULMATE!" Then it all clicked for Marinette, Chloe accidentally let it slip that it was her birthday. So right then and there in front of everyone she took off her contact lense and everyone gasped at the sight. Meanwhile there was an angry Adrien and a fuming Lila. Adrien was mad because HIS princess had someone else as a soulmate and Lila because her eye was pretty and because Marinette was taking all the attention away from her.

Wait let's back up Adrien said HIS princess. So why did he say that? So a while back he started to move on from his lady and moved on to his everyday ladybug. Now he was basically becoming what Marinette used to be to him stalkerish. But he doesn't like the way she is treating Lila even though he knows she lies he still believes that Marinette hurts her so that is why he has been saying 'take the high road it won't hurt anybody' (It actually is but let him believe that).

So now Lila is trying to get all the attention back on her but it is not working. So the only plan Lila could think up was how glorious and marvelous her eye was. What no one knew was that she had a gray eye. Alya then asked "Hey Lila can we see your eye since it is so glorious, which I bet it is." At that moment Lila knew she messed up and started saying that her arm started spasming so she couldn't take of the contact lense. People started wondering why SHE of all people would wear a contact lense. The MPS knew that Lila had a gray eye which is why she is trying to protect it at all costs so her kingdom doesn't come down. Then Lila says "My soulmate is Damian Wayne. We met when we were 7 and absolutely feel in love. He is a sweetheart and gives me loads of gifts and cuddles." While everyone is fawning over Lila, Chloe is trying to contain her laughter because she knows THE Damien Wayne is NOT A SWEETHEART!

Meanwhile in Gotham :
Damian just came down for breakfast when he saw his father. He sat down and acknowledged his father. Before to long all his brothers/heathens and sisters came down and his father said he had an announcement. After everyone sat down for breakfast he said "I am hosting an essay competition and to whomever wins will get to spend a month and a half here and get to go to the annual Wayne Gala at the end of the trip." Now Damian didn't think his day could get much worse but since he had school it could. One of his brothers hid the contact lenses that he got now he didn't have any for school. So now he had to go to school with his different color eye and all the girls would be hanging off him trying to get his attention, just to see if he was their soulmate.

Damian is now off to school and he knows it is not going to be like the usual. It is going to be more annoying. Once he got there he got out of the car and everyone started staring at him. Then the chaos started. Again. All the girls swarmed Damian trying to see if he was their soulmate and then a few minutes later a bunch of reporters came and started swarming him with questions. He barely got out of there. But he couldn't just catch a break because his best friend Jonathan Kent was there. Now Jon was one for being a bit over reacting so he said "YOU GOT YOUR EYE COLOR AND DIDN'T TELL ME! I'm offended." Damian knew he was going to act like that. So after Jon was done briefing Damian on how he should have told him they headed to class. Then a bunch of girls start to swarm them and that's how it went on all day long.

(A/N sorry I haven't been updating I have just been having a massive writers block and wanted to make this one long because I haven't been posting so that is all for now Bye!)

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