Chapter 8

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Marinette's POV:

After the long flight from Paris to Gotham I finally had a sense of peace and quiet if it were only for a few hours. Now to deal with Lila and her posse for the next month is going to be hard since we're all staying in the same hotel.

The flight landed and we were finally in Gotham. Me and the MPS were one of the first ones to get off the flight since we were in first class and not in economy like the rest of the class including Ms.Bustier. We all had to wait for the rest of the class to get off so we could all go to the baggage claim together. We got to baggage claim but not without a hassle. Lila started to say stuff along the lines of 'I wish Marinette would have given me her seat my tinnitus started acting up again from the time I saved Jagged Stones kitten from an airport runway!' and mind you she said all of this really loudly and people were starting to give us strange looks. One because this girl is talking really loudly and two half the people didn't even know what she was saying since she was talking in French so they were annoyed with her. But the people that could understand what she was saying looked at her either confused or rudely. Though none of Lila's posse payed any attention to the other people looking at them.

They reached baggage claim and they all got their respective bags but just then Lila had to say something. "Ms. Marinette stole my bags!" she semi yelled at the teacher. "Marinette please give Lila back her bag." Guess who said that. Her teacher. Of course she would say that it's not like her teacher is taking sides or even paying attention to her kids anyway. "Ms. I saw Lila put her bag behind the fake tree over there and you can see it sticking out of the sides of the tree." I said to her. "How could you put her bag behind the tree Marinette?!" Alya exclaimed. "Didn't you just hear her say she saw Lila put it behind the tree?" Chloe asked them and Alya was about to say something before Lila chimed in with a sickly sweet voice and said "Oh no I must have misplaced my bag I'm so sorry Marinette." But we both knew she wasn't sorry on the slightest.

We started heading down to the pickup section where we spotted a sign that said 'Ms. Bustier's Class' in perfect cursive. I went up to the two men that were holding the sign. "Hello my name is Marinette and we are Ms.Bustier's class. Most of my class can only speak French but there are a select few that can speak English. You can communicate through me since my teacher only speaks in French but can speak a bit of English. Unless one of you can speak French but honestly I would recommend communicating through me." I said to the two men. "Hello Marinette, I'm Bruce Wayne and this is my eldest son Richard Grayson although he does prefer to be called Dick." The man now identified as Bruce Wayne says. "Hi I'm Dick Grayson but you already knew that sorry." He says. "No problem it is totally fine and it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Wayne, Mr.Grayson." I say back politely and at this point my classmates are just chattering around but the ones that understood English were partially listening in on the conversations being held between me the eldest Wayne and his son. "Please call me Bruce there is no need to be formal and I would like to talk to you about your essay." Mr. Way- I mean Bruce says. "Yes Mr. Way- I mean Bruce?" I say somewhat scared because it might have been bad. No don't think like that you won the competition that millions had applied to. "Me, my sons, and daughters all thought the essay was wonderful even my youngest son Damien thought it was impressive and that is something that never happens with him so I would like to congratulate you personally. I would like you to come to my Manor and have dinner with us on Friday night at 7:00 pm. I would like to have my butler pick you up beforehand if that is good with you." Mr. Wayne says. I stand there for a moment not knowing what to say. I come back to my senses quickly and say "Yes of course Bruce I would love to have dinner with you and your Family on Friday. Thank you very much for the offer. I didn't even think my essay was even good enough to win." I say still shocked out of my mind. "Are you kidding your essay was awesome you had something nice to say about everyone in the entire class. But as everyone in the entire world knows nobody likes everybody in their class so that's what made you stand out from all the others and how you stated that Gotham was inspirational was a shock to all of us because you out of millions was the only person to say that Gotham was inspirational. Also by saying that the vigilantes here were just normal people like all of us we really thought that was inspirational to us. All the other essays said they thought it would be fun and that they would get to meet the Wayne's but none of them besides you said anything about Gotham being more than just 'fun' so thank you Marinette for the amazing essay. Also please call me Dick." I stood shocked once again because of the kind words coming from the man. I think I even felt a tear slip from my eye but I swiped it away with my finger away quick hoping no one saw it. "Hey I'm sorry did I say something to make you cry?" He asked with concern in his voice. "No it's just been a long while since anyone has said anything that nice to me so thank you." I say back to him. Just then I hear someone say really loudly "Marinette hurry up and stop trying to hook up with these nice older men who want nothing to do with you. We have to get to the hotel since Lila's tinnitus is getting worse from her not being able to sit in first class!" Came from Alya then everyone besides the MPS start agreeing with Alya. "Excuse me would it be possible if we could go now my class is getting impatient." I say to the two of them. The two older Wayne's share a worried look before Dick does a come on motion with his hand and we all start going towards the bus.

After a long, long bus ride we finally got to the hotel but not without Lila complaining a lot along the way. Ms. Bustier goes up to the concierge at the hotel and tries it under her name again and this time it's actually under her name instead of mine but I go up to the concierge myself and get me and the MPS's hotel keys. After everyone got their keys and Lila complaining about him we got different rooms than them we finally went up to our rooms and I was sharing a suite with Chloe and Alix while Nino had one to himself since he was the only boy. But Nino decided to stay in the girls room that night to have a sleepover and just talk in general. But while they were talking in the middle of the night they got an akuma alert but thankfully it was only Mr. Pigeon again. So it was finished in less than ten minutes and then all of the MPS squad went to bed for the night ready for an exciting day of going to Wayne enterprises and dealing with Lila.

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(A/N finally chapter eight and this is a long one just like next few are going to be. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I hope to have the next one out next week. Bye!)

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