Chapter 28 - Niall

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Time seems to freeze as I look at the photograph Simon once had in his hand. I could feel a warm presence take Louis somewhere. I’m not sure where, but I felt Louis leave me alone to face the rest of these newspaper articles and pictures. I couldn’t bear to read the articles let alone the pictures, but I still looked at them anyways. One picture specifically stood out to me.

Katie was in a car, staring out the window. Her clothes are just like the ones in the picture Simon was holding. There fog on the glass, but you can clearly see a semi coming towards them. I squint closer at the picture, and it starts to move. The semi comes closer and closer, but Katie doesn’t scream, she just watches the semi. The impact moment is the worse. The car shakes around, but there’s a huge dent on Katie’s side. I don’t hear anything, but I can sense the feeling that Simon is yelling for Katie to wake up.

The picture moves on to the outside of the car. Everything is so damaged it makes me want to cry of how bad Katie suffered. The paramedics come and Simon is dragged out of the car. I can’t hear it, but I can see that Simon is screaming for his daughter. Another ambulance comes once the one that Simon is in leaves. The fire department come and uses the Jaws of Life to open the car. The sight isn’t very gruesome. Her face is calm, but I can tell she lost a lot of blood by the huge gash in her side. I wince at the sight when they drag her out. They try CPR but I know it won’t work. After 10 minutes of CPR, they stop knowing it won’t do them any good to continue.

I watch them put Katie in a body bag. The paramedic speaks into a microphone with a sad complexion. The picture finally stops moving and returns to the still photo of Katie. I wipe away the tears that want to fall out of my eyes. No wonder Simon blames himself. He was the one who took the picture and didn’t look both ways before going. He probably blames himself for not taking care of Katie.

“Niall.” I turn around to Matt’s voice. He sits down next to me. It scares me to know he died at such a young age. He clears his throat and takes the picture that was moving, “You know, pictures don’t move for everyone. Fate must have thought you could handle the gruesome scene.”

I shrug and stare at the picture that was once moving. I gulp the lump in my throat that was present during the whole picture movement. Goosebumps start to rise on my skin signaling dark presence has come. I feel a cool breath on my neck making me jump up in the air in shock. I turn around and not much to my surprise, I see the devil himself. I glare at Kristian and stare into his glowing red eyes.

His face is paler than before, as well as his eyes aren’t the dark red I remember. They’re more of an orange color now. He gives me a look and a smirk. His stupid smirk that makes me want to punch in him the mouth. He clears his throat and shoots towards me. I feel his hands grip onto my dark blue t-shirt. I feel myself get moved into the wall. I look around for Matt, but he’s frozen in his spot. That bastard froze Matt with fear!

“Last chance to join me Niall. I can make all your problems disappear. It’s quite simple actually. Just at the snap of my fingers, your world will be perfect.” Kristian sneers dropping beads of spit on my face. His yellow teeth stick out of his mouth while he smirks at me. I glare and push him away.

“No Kristian! Just stop! I don’t like you and I will never join you!” I screech at the top of my lungs. His grip on my shirt loosens. His hands drop to his sides, and he fades away ever so slowly. I look around the room for Matt. He suddenly appears in front of me with his hand stuck out.

He gestures for me to take it, “Take it Niall. They’re letting you visit Katie. When Stefan took Louis, it helped her progress by ten percent.” Matt says softly, keeping his hand out. If it means that Katie will wake up sooner, then I’m going.

I touch his hand and I instantly feel a rush of wind go through me. I can feel my hair get pushed back while the wind runs through my body. I shift uncomfortably once the wind stops and my feet touch something hard. I look around the room I am in. It has a hospital feel to it, but its tinted pink, which is odd for a hospital. The lights are illuminated so bright, I feel like I’m going to go to blind. Looking around the room, I see Louis sleeping in the corner of the room in a big lofty chair. I take my eyes off of him for a second to look at the interior of the room. There’s a single bed holding the angel that has been taking care of me since I was five years old. I take in a deep breath and walk over to her.

Her face is calm, but also seems to want to scrunch in pain. I grab a hold of her small hand that used to be so big to me when I was little. Looking over at the machine, it’s different from regular machines. There’s not heart monitor, only a beeping sound reading energy. I bite my lip and looking down at Katie’s calm face.

“I don’t know if you can hear me, but I just want you to know how much I miss you. I know the lads miss you too.” I stop to sigh out in frustration, “I don’t understand why Kristian did this to you. Maybe it was his destiny to make hate, however I only know that I’m waiting for you to wake up. Louis and I will be by your side the whole time.”

Someone behind me clears their throat causing me to let go of Katie’s hand quickly. I turn around to a woman who looks so similar to Katie. She smiles at me with her eyes shining with warmth. I give her a quick smile before glancing at Katie again.

“Looks like my daughter did great being your friend for most of your lifetime.” the woman says brushing back hair on Katie’s forehead. I sigh out and look at the energy meter, “Looks like she’s up to 70%. She must really love you boys.”

I smile and sit down next to Louis in a chair that literally came out of no where. Once I sit down, Louis jolts awake staring at me. I raise my eyebrow at him. He rubs his eyes and touches my face.

“Okay, this is weird. I swear I went back to Simon’s house.” he exclaims looking at Katie again. I hear Katie’s mother laugh out loudly to Louis’ loud response to waking up.

“Oh Louis, you’re losing your mind. You passed out. It won’t be long until Niall does. He’ll have the same revelation, or perhaps a different one. Don’t worry boys, she will wake up.” the woman replies leaving the room all together. I yawn out and lean back against the comfy chair. Katie’s mother’s words give me more hope then I never thought was possible. She will wake up.

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