Chapter 25 - Zayn

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How did I get in this position? I wasn’t thinking about hurting myself, nor was I in any stress, but here I am. Locked in a room with a God forsaken demon. Not only am I locked in a room with a demon, I’m being tortured as well. My hair is about to get ripped out of it’s scalp; the energy in my body is being taken away by the demon. Where’s Katie when you need her?

I scream in pain the higher the demon lifts me up in the air. My body weakens and I can slowly feel myself getting drowsier. Is it going to kill me? I thought it only wanted me to turn to his side. I scream out some more when I feel it’s sharp claws against my skin. I feel the red hot blood drip down my bare back. I’m never going to bed without a shirt again.

My back lands on something, making it shatter all over my back. I groan loudly, hoping Louis will get the door open. Louis saw it too. He saw this demon that is torturing me! My back starts to pour out blood. I wince at the pain. Curse under breath for ever buying a vase for flowers that die almost instantly.

I feel myself get picked up again, but this time by the legs. I feel the same long nails dig into my legs, which I need. I hold in my tears, knowing if I let them out it will only give the demon satisfaction. I hear a loud pounding on the door. Louis, Liam, and Harry’s voices shout to get in. My eyes widen at the demon who seems to be pleased that they’re coming. This is all a trap!

“Whatever he promises you Zayn! Don’t believe him! He’s evil!” Harry shouts stating the obvious.

I hold back a remark I was going to say. Pressure starts to grow around my neck. My eyes meet dark brown ones. The black shadows starts to fall from the demon. I bite my lip trying to get the pain to stop. My throat starts to close around my windpipe. I grab the hand of the demon and try to pry it off of my throat, but this small demon is too strong. I gasp for as I start to shout my charm names.

“A mirror and music notes,” I start still gasping for air. The grip on the demon starts to loosen. His back arches and lets out a scream. Everything snaps back to reality after a moment of scream.

“DON’T SAY THOSE CHARMS!” the lowest voice in my life screams in absolute pain in my face. The grip tightens more.

I touch the gold charm bracelet and try my hardest to say the next charm, “Jackets.” More screaming comes. I let out tears knowing I’m going to die.

I will never have a family of my own. My own family will grieve forever knowing they don’t know what happened to me. I will never see or marry the love of my life, nor will I ever get to see my children grow up and have kids of their own.

“Zayn! Say the last charm! Say the damn charm!” the guys shout hitting the door. Everything starts to fade, but I use the last of my energy to say the last symbol.

“1D Symbol,” I say barely above a whisper.

The highest scream comes from the demon. I drop to the floor, trying to regain my breath that was lost in those fatal moments. The door finally opens the guys look at me at my current state. My pajama bottoms are ripped from the knee down from the scratching the demon caused. My throat must for sure have bruises on them.

Liam moves me over to my bed, laying me stomach down. The dark brown eyes and hair are the only things I can’t get out of my mind. The face and the small body structure are more that I can’t get out of my face. It looked so much like Katie, but it’s not. I don’t think. It was a guy, I know that much, but how can something turn so evil.

I wince at the hands placed on my back, however I instantly relax once I feel myself start to grow better. The warmth from the hands move throughout my body to make me feel more relaxed. I open my eyes and meet Louis’ blue eyes. The normally fun filled eyes are now filled with concern. My scalp starts to feel a lot better from all the hair pulling.

Someone kisses my forehead, sending a message to my head. ‘Feel better Zayn. I have to leave now. I’m really weak. They will explain everything to you.’ Katie’s voice fills my mind with her sweet 13 year old voice. I nod to the message in my head and turn around. My back is sore, but I know it will go away later.

Liam, Harry and Louis all stare at me with concern. I give them a quick thumbs up and sigh loudly. Well this was some bump on the rollercoaster of life. I let out a small laugh realizing how old that joke really is. I look up at the boys’ concerned stares to only have me roll my eyes.

“Are you going to tell me what the hell just happened or are you guys going to keep staring at me like that,” even though I said that a bit harshly, I just want to know why I was attacked like this.

Liam clears his throat and starts, “Well that demon happens to be Katie’s demonic twin brother Kristian. We’ve all had encounters with him, but none that resulted in getting us getting hurt as much as you did.”

He stops and Harry continues, “We need to stick together. I don’t care how stupid it sounds, we need too. We can’t risk getting each other hurt again.”

I nod at his response. I cough a few times from my throat healing so fast. I move my muscles around to get the soreness to leave. I stand up and stretch from side to side. I stop in my tracks with my mind set on one thing. The blonde haired, blue eyed 18 year old boy.

“Where is Niall,” I question. Everyone’s eyes widen. Mine included. I change into a v-neck and start running out the door looking for Niall.

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