Chapter 26 - Niall

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I could just ignore it. You know, all the hate. I tell people it doesn't bother me and I could care less of what they think, but I'm lying. Sure some of it I've heard of it before and don't take it to heart, but some things just eat me alive and hurt me physically and emotionally. People think just because I wear snapbacks and tank tops now they think I don't care about my body anymore. That's not true. I'm still that insecure 16 year old boy inside, not the 19 year old sex god everyone calls me.

I open up my laptop and just search my name. I know I shouldn't look into it, but I really do care about what people say. Searching through everything, I find posts. Posts of people saying to this twitter use to stop. The name is even horrible.

Take me home would be flawless, but Niall's horrible voice ruins it :/ #Leave1DNiall 

@NiallOfficial Suicide will be very beneficial on your part :) Please do consider it. 

im just saying Niall isnt a proper depiction of attractiveness AND he cannot sing a desirable note. 

RT if you mute/fast-forward the music when niall is singing. 

The Irish are 100x uglier though. Perfect example: @NiallOfficial. 

1D is better off with only 4 members or replacing Niall with someone who actually has talent. Seriously, at least make him look attractive.

Tweet, after tweet, this one person keeps tempting me. What did I ever do? Did I ever meet her? I will never know anymore. I start to feel hot breath behind my back. I turn around thinking it's one of the boys, but no one is there. I stop the tears that were building up and just think about the suicide tweet. That would be beneficial. I wouldn't have to suffer anymore.

I sniff and look outside the window. I bet I fall out the window and no one would care. I sigh and walk to the window. There's a fire escape on the other side trailing down. Maybe just maybe I could do it, but would it really be worth it?

I turn back to the laptop. I walk over and look at the tweets more. The whole freaking account is dedicated to hating me. It even has almost 900 followers. Am I really that ugly? Are the rest of the directioners just kidding about how beautiful I am and feel the same way, but don't want to be known as a hateful directioner?

I slam my laptop shut and throwing it at the wall. I open the suitcase I packed and find what I'm looking for. Pill bottles and Vodka. I can die instantly doing this, but nobody will care. The boys haven't even noticed I left already. They're probably standing under the moon singing kumbaya with Ed or something.

"Niall, don't." an out of breath voice comes.

I stop staring at the pill bottle and vodka to turn around. Katie stands looking paler than she usually does. Her sunglasses don't hide her white eyes that glow. Why did she stop the hate!? She could have done it! I feel her presence linger behind me. I turn around and she stares at me with those hazel eyes of hers trying to get me to stop. I glare and push her out of the way.

Surprisingly, she falls faster than I expected. Her head knocks onto the floor, but I couldn't care right now. I just need MY pain to leave me. I sigh and turn around. I hear Katie scream ano once the bottle of Vodka start to touch my lips. In a matter of seconds, the door flies open with Liam, Harry, Zayn, and Louis all staring at me, before lunging for the bottle.

I try to take a sip when the bottle gets smashed into the side of the dresser. I scream remembering they just stopped me. I yell and yell I hate them, but I know it's not true. Zayn holds onto me while I cry into his shoulder.

"Shh, Niall. I'm sorry we didn't notice," Zayn whispers trying to comfort me.

I just sob. I can't do this anymore. Why did it have to be me to take all this hate? What did I ever do to deserve this? We hear the door snap shut and everyone stares at it for a moment. The glow of Katie fades until she is no more. What is happening?

"Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, and Niall Horan." A low, official sounding voice rings in the room.

I grow scared, but then it goes away when I hear a slap and a groan of pain. "God, you're so stupid Stefan. You're going to make them afraid of us." a girl voice? I'm still scared to know what is happening.

"I can't believe I had to come here with stupid over here. We better show ourselves before they get freaked out," Another voice, but it's more nerdy than official.

In front of our eyes, three figures appear. All three glow gold and yellow with kind smiles on their faces. Well, one of them has a face of pain and is still clutching their stomach, but I can tell he was trying to sound official now.

"Hello boys," the tall boy with bushy hair friendly says, but makes us all scream.

We scream until the boy grows tired of it and shuts us up by putting his hand up. Katie can do that as well. Are they part of the same group?

"Well, this turned out great. Anyways, I'm Nichole. Guardian angel of Ed Sheeran." the girl responds.

Ed has an angel? Oh my god, I'm losing it. Yup, I'm losing it. All the boys have the same confused faces until the next boy starts, "I'm Chase. I'm the guardian angel of Justin Bieber and this idiot, Stefan, is the guardian angel of Big Time Rush." Chase sticks his thumb into Stefan's side causing him to laugh. I'm going to wake up one day. Yeah, that's it. I'm dreaming. This is all a dream.

"Niall, this is no dream. We have come here because Katie has been faded away into the intensive care unit. Kristan has not been kind to her over the past few days, or should I say hours." Chase informs us, looking at Louis and Zayn more specifically, "You see boys, we guardian angels have a limit. It is our duty to protect our kids and encourage them to do their best in everything. However, when faced with the difficult task of protecting more than one child, our powers become limited."

I didn't know what to say. To think a boy did this to Katie. I look over at Louis and Zayn. Their lips are pressed into a thin line while staring at the ground. I fumble around my thumbs. I still don't know who this Kristan guy is though.

"Niall, I hope you realize we can read minds. Kristan is the demon that is trying to get you to turn to his side. He almost got Harry and Liam, but Louis didn't budge. As for Zayn, well, he was just tortured. You though, that account is runned by someone who Kristan possessed. There is no way stopping the hate that gets to you. Just stay strong." Nichole says sadly.

Her head snaps up. She fades away. I jump back knocking Zayn down in the process. I laugh a bit and help him up. He grumbles a few curses until Chase and Stefan stare at us.

"Duty calls for Nichole. We'll be taking shifts. Stefan goes first, then Nichole, then David, Matt after him and then me. Stay out of trouble and since you're starting your tour, we're making sure Paul's angel helps him in any way he needs. Good luck, and caution with Stefan. His boys rubbed off him a bit too much." Chase fades away and Stefan only stays.

"Thank God he's gone! Now let's have some fun. Have you guys heard of the game...'Chicken'?" his smirk grows and pushes us outside. He hands all skateboards and we start. If I die, I'm sending the boys of Big Time Rush the bill.


[A/N] Bit of humor at the end. The hate tweets are real. I got them off of a hate account of Niall. If you've been on twitter, you'll know who it is. If you would like to know who it is, message me. I don't want the girl running the account to find out I used her tweets and start tweeting about it. Few chapters left! Not sure how many, but this book will be ending soon!

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