Chapter 31 - Zayn

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I sit down in a chair a few feet away from Simon’s bed. He snores loudly, occasionally repeating words over and over again in his sleep. I sigh quietly, looking down at the ground. I don’t actually blame him for going on this drinking rage. He wants to forget the mistakes he made. He wants to forget that he put his daughter in harms way. He wants to forget that his daughter is dead and that he will never see her smile or hear her laugh again. What kind of man wouldn’t be this upset over his baby dying? Sure as hell I would be doing the same thing if my child died on my watch.

I lean back in the chair and close my eyes. I’ve never been so tired out before. My mind swirls around in thoughts about Simon. Was it really meant to be this way? Did they really do this because she was destined to take care of us? I shake my head, glancing at the ceiling. They must be seriously messed up if they think taking a child away from life is okay.

My eyes return back to Simon’s bed, isn’t there. I look ahead and it’s a road. My hands are on the wheel. My eyes widen when I realize what is happening. Kristian is making me go through some odd simulation of what Simon went through, but this time, he’s putting my child at risk. I look out of the corner of my eye to the passenger seat. The first thing I see is platinum blonde hair styled to the side of a small head. I pull over onto the side of the road so I can actually take a look of my baby.

“Daddy? Why did we stop?” my child asks turning towards me. My mind instantly clicks onto his name, Zachary. His platinum blonde hair is messily aligned on his small head, but his caramel brown eyes stare at me with worry. He’s a mirror image of me when I was a child, only I had raven black hair. “Daddy? Are you okay?” he asks breaking me from my trance of admiring him.

I shake my head in response to Zach, “No, I was just thinking for a moment.” I start the car again and start driving wherever Kristian is taking me. I watch Zach out of the corner of my eye to make sure he’s alright. Soon, we reach an intersection. I gulp and drive into it. The car suddenly breaks down in the middle of it, making Zach panic.

“Daddy!” his screams pierce through the air. I hear loud honking, then I feel my body start to be thrashed around in the car. My body quickly reacts to make sure that Zach is alright, except he isn’t. My tears start in my eyes even though I’m trying my hardest to tell myself that this is only a simulation.

Zach lays motionless in the passenger seat. Cuts and fast forming bruises form on his cute and gentle face. I unbuckle him from the seat and I hold him tightly in my arms. I start to hear shouts from outside the vehicle. Most of them are shouting profanities about me, saying I’m not a fit parent, that I’m going to hell for injuring my own son. I let my tears let loose until I’m pulled away from the crash. I’m guessing that the paramedics pulled me out. I fall to the ground and scene changes.

White walls. That’s all there is around me. I start to walk and Zach appears in a hospital bed. The sound of the heart monitor is going a very slow pace. I shake my head still trying to convince myself that this isn’t real, but nothing works. I run over next to him. His head is bandaged up, tubes stick out of his small arms and mouth. On the other side, I see a figure stand with an evil grin. I make eye contact with Kristian who just stands there staring back at me.

He leans forward towards me, putting his mouth right next to my ear, “I can make it stop. Just say four little words and he’ll be a healthy child once more.” His breath reeks of death and rotting flesh. His body is almost ghostly white with fading yellow eyes. I lean in next to his ear and say four little words that he should expect.

“I’ll never join you,” I whisper darkly. I lean away from death scented Kristian to see his reaction. His smirk faltered into a plain, emotionless face. His body starts to grow old and fragile. He ages fast until his bones are showing. In one motion, he falls to the ground and crumbles into sand that flies away.

I look at Zach who’s heart is now at a normal beat and wears a smile on his face. I hear someone cough behind me. I turn around swiftly to see Chase, the angel responsible for me, standing there with a tired face. I frown from the guilt. I’ve been quite the hassle this week from irritation of not seeing Katie.

He throws a little box at me. I catch it like a professional American football player. I open it, but it has nothing. I look up and I’m in a different room. The pink tinted color room holds a safe feeling inside it. Couches are set up in a waiting room style with a lone table in the middle with papers stacked messily all over it. I feel someone hug my waist tightly as if I would leave any second. I look down, finding the messily styled blonde hair snuggling next to my side. I pick up Zach in my arms and hold him firmly so he won’t escape from me.

I flash my eyes up to find Liam, Louis, Niall and Harry gaping at me. I smile at them and wave a little a bit. Their eyes travel to behind me. I look behind me, only seeing four young boys staring at the others. Their mouths break into smiles and run towards them. Each one of them hug them tightly so they never leave. I hear Zach giggle and run towards the group of boys. He brings them up to me and smiles.

“Daddy, this is Landon, Liam’s son, Colton, Niall’s son, Brandon, Harry’s son, and Quinn, Louis’ son. Guys, this is my daddy,” he lisps through his words. I notice his two front teeth are missing, but that doesn’t stop him from smiling wide at me.

“Hi boys,” I respond to the boys. They simply wave and run back to their fathers. I keep my eyes on Colton, who seems to be very young. However it seems that it doesn’t stop him from kissing his father’s cheek and telling him everything.


After hours talking with our sons, we find out that Quinn will be born first since he looks older than the rest of the kids. Niall certainly found it sad that he’ll be having his son last, so he definitely savored his time with Colton. A young woman walks into the room with rosy red cheeks.

“Come on boys. It’s time for you fathers to finish their important business here. Say your goodbyes,” the woman says sadly. Everyone in the room, including me, groan in displeasurement. We start to say our goodbyes, but I can tell everyone is in tears. I hug and whisper into Zach’s ear that I’ll see him soon again. He says his goodbye and sulks to the woman. Niall and Colton are the last to depart from each other. The woman takes Zach and Colton’s hands and walk out with them to another part of the building.

The guys lead me to another part of the room that had been blocked off by wall and a door. They push open the door letting the scent of hand sanitizer and disinfectant tickle my nose in irritation. I wrinkle my face in a disgust manner, but it quickly falls into a small frown when I see Katie lying on the bed with her eyes closed. The guys are already by her side, sadly watching her chest rise up and down. I walk close enough to her to the point where I can grab a hold of her hand.

In my mind, I repeat the words ‘please wake up’ over and over again until my mind translate it to complete gibberish. I start to watch her grow pale. Her body starts to fade away into the bed. The boys and I start to panic and yell for her to stay with us.

“Katie don’t leave!” “What’s happening with her!” We all shout different phrases referring to someone to bring Katie back. Once she’s completely gone, Niall bursts into tears, collapsing onto the bed. He was truly close to Katie, actually, we all were. We told her everything that was going on, she knew how to deal with it. She knew the little habits we did whenever we got scared or nervous. She knew the reasons why we liked our favorite foods and places.

Tears fall out of my eyes. Was it really suppose to end like this? Chase told me if Katie were to die while in her angel form, then she wouldn’t legitimately be nothing. Just another speck of dust in the wind. Just another soul lost and forgotten in the world. Another human being who risked their life to give us what we needed.

I shake my head, trying to stop the tears from falling out. The beginning stages of me breaking down into an emotional wreck is starting. I can’t believe this is actually happening. This wasn’t supposed to happen. She was supposed to be okay and we would all be happy. My eyelids began to grow heavy with sleep, but something jolted me awake. It jolted everyone from their mid-emotional break down.

The corner in the room started to illuminate gold, almost making us go blind. Once our eyes adjusted to the light, we saw the heart warming smile of a healthy angel. Smiles grow on our faces, ultimately brightening up our mood. The angel smiles at us with her arms wide open. We all jump up and run towards her. We all scream her name and knock her over. She giggles and hugs each of us, telling us that we did good. I’m the last to get the hug before we all yell at her four little words.

“We love you Katie!” we scream at the top of our lungs. She chuckles and looks at us with her loving eyes.

“I love you too, guys.”


[A/N] GOD I'M CRYING NOW. LAST CHAPTER OF TGA EVER. THE TEARS ARE LIKE TSUNAMI TIDES IN MAH EYES. Sigh, I loved writing this story. Hope y'all loved it as much as I did.

Side picture of the boys' sons! David Cleveland as Landon Payne (Liam's son), Harbor Miller as Colton Horan (Niall's son), Joshua Rush (changed the eye color) as Brandon Styles (Harry's son), Brecken Lawrence as Zachary Malik (Zayn's son) and lastly, Quinn Lord as Quinn Tomlinson (Louis' son). This may or may NOT be the last you see of these children. :3 Thank you guys again for the many reads!

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