Chapter 4

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[A/N] Okay guys, so Harry was hard to sorry if it sucks. Oh and Niall, Liam, and Harry are all 5 years old, Zayn is 6 and Louis is 7. Just so you don't get confused.


I stand in front of Harry's house. I walk in looking for Harry. I see him in the living room petting a cat. I can hear him mumble words to the cat. He smiles and his dimples show. AWWWH! I can't help but want to pinch his cheeks! He's so cute!

I walk over to him. I hear people talking in low voices. I turn my head and I see his parents talking alone with a girl. I think it could be his sister. I sit down next to Harry. He's memorized by the cat. Looks like we got a cat lover here!

"Hey Harry," I smile.

He looks up and smiles. He smiles showing off his dimples. God! These boys are so cute!

"Hello!" Harry smiles again.

"Liking the cat?" I ask.

"Yes! The kitty loves me," he says feeling proud.

I giggle at him.

"Of course the kitty loves you," I smile.

He nods and looks at me again.

"Who are you?" he asks with wide green eyes.

I never new green eyes could be that bright.

"I'm Katie, your guardian angel. I was here to watch after you and make sure you're alright," I reply.

He giggles at me.

"You're pretty," he says still patting the cat.

"Cheeky boy aren't you!" I smile.

He shrugs and smiles. A lady comes into the room. I think it's his mum.

"Harry? Who are you talking to? And Lunch is ready," she says walking back.

Harry sets down the cat and grabs onto my hand. He pulls me over to the kitchen and has me take a seat. His mum sets down a sandwich for him and another for his sister. They eat quietly when his sister pipes up.

"Who were you talking to Harry?" she asks.

"Katie," Harry says turning to me, "Say hi!"

I sigh and look at him.

"They can't see me Harry. Only you and 4 other boys can. I'm sorry," I say patting his shoulder.

He starts to pout and look at his family. They just continue to eat like it was nothing. They probably think I'm just an imaginary friend. I sigh, I'm always going to be the imginary friend. Harry finishes his sandwich and runs up to his room. I follow him and he looks at his feet.

"What's wrong Harry?" I ask.

"Mummy and Daddy are starting to fight," he sighs.

I put my around him.

"Don't worry about them. They'll figure it out. Why don't I show you something that'll cheer you up?" I say.

He looks up at me and nods. I sit down on his bed and reach into my pocket. I feel the bracelets that are left. I take them both out and look for the one that has Harry's name on it. I slip Louis' bracelet into my pocket and show Harry the bracelet. I slip it on as I talk.

"Now Harry, this is a very special bracelet. You have to keep it no matter what. Promise?" I ask.

"Promise!" he pipes up.

"Good, now if you ever want to see me again, Say the charms that are on here. A kitty, a blazer and a 1D symbol," I say.

He nods and hugs me. He's going to be a very cheeky boy when he grows up. I can tell. I look at the time. It's almost 6 pm. What is up with the time going by so fast?! I hear Harry's mum call him down for dinner.

"Well, I got to go Harry. I have to visit one more boy. But remember; if you ever need me just say the names of the charms got it?" I say.

"Got it!" he says.

I give him a hug and he kisses me on the cheek. Yup, very cheeky boy. I ruffle his hair and start to walk away.

"Love you Harry!" I say.

"Love you too!" he yells back before running down the stairs.

I walk out and go back to the gates. I sit down on the edge of a library building and look down at my brother's house. He seems to be busy looking through profiles. I know he judges people's singing. A lot of people are scared of him.

"HEY KATIE!" Stefan screams in my ear.

I jump almost falling off the edge of the building.

"What the heck Stefan! Are you trying to kill me again!?" I yell.

"Sorry, how are your boys coming?" he asks sitting down next to me.

"Pretty good I guess. I still have one more boy to visit," I say, "How are your boys?"

"Pretty good. Kendall got an acting job as a stunt double," he shrugs.

I nod and watch Simon go into bed. He's looking at a picture. I strain my eyes to see what he's looking at. I think it's a picture of us when we I went to the xFactor with him once. Oh how I miss him. He falls asleep and I look up at the time. 12 am. Great. I lay on my back. I wonder how Louis will be...

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