Chapter 2

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[A/N] Hello (: hope your liking the story. Sorry that the chapters are short. But here's chapter 2.


I've been flying for almost 3 hours and I'm almost there. I can't help but think about Simon. I miss him. He was more of a dad to me than a brother. He's almost 39 now. 5 years goes by fast. I make it Zayn's house where he's alone with his older sister and mother. Zayn is sitting in his room alone twiddling his thumbs.

I go through his window and sit down next to him. He looks at me and jumps back a bit. He doesn't say anything just observes me. Ahh, he's going to be such an observer when he grows up. I smile at him. He smiles back at me.

"Hey, are you Zayn?" I ask.

He nods his head while looking at me.

"It's okay to talk Zayn," I say.

"I know, I just don't really know you," he replies.

"Well allow me to introduce myself. My name is Katie and I'm your guardian angel," I smile.

"Guardian angel?" he asks.

"Yes. I was sent here to look after you," I say.

He smiles and gives me a hug. This boy is sweet! Are all of them like this!?

"Can my mummy and daddy see you?" he asks.

I chuckle. I think that's going to be a common question with these children.

"No, no. Only you and four other boys can see me. I already visited one before you," I say.

"Can I meet them!?" he asks excitedly.

"No, I'm sorry, but you will meet them soon enough," I reply.

"Okay," he pouts a bit.

I smile at him. Are all these boys so adorable!?

"How about we have some fun right now? What do you like to do?" I ask.

He runs around the room grabbing toys left and right. He hands me posters and toys then sits back down on his bed next to me. He tells me everything about them and how he loves the people on his posters. We play and talk for a while when I look at the time. Almost 4 pm. I still have to visit Liam.

"So Zaynster, what do you want to be when you grow up?" I ask.

"Well either a teacher or singer. Which ever comes first," he explains.

"Ahh, well, I'm sure you'll love which one comes first," I say.

He nods and smiles.

"So, I have something for you. It's a charm bracelet. You have to promise you'll keep it no matter what," I say.

I take it out and show it to him. His eyes light up like Niall's had done and nods.

"I promise!" he yells.

"Good and whenever you need someone to talk to, just say the names of the charm," I say while slipping it onto his wrist.

He observes it for a little bit.

"A mirror, music notes, jackets, and a 1D symbol," I explain to him.

"What do them mean?" he asks.

"They're just things you'll see often in your future. Now all you gotta do is say the names of the charms if you want me to come alright?" I say.

"Yes Katie. Where are you going now?" he asks looking at the window.

"I'm off to see another little boy. I have to visit 3 more you know," I smile.

"Okay. Bye bye," he smiles.

"Bye Zayn. Love you," I say hugging him.

"Love you too." he says kissing my cheek.

I smile and wave to him. I go out his window and fly back up to the gates. He's going to be a ladies man one day. When I get to the gates, I get greeted by one of my friends. His name is Stefan and is in the same situation I'm in. He's taking care of four boys. I think their names are Kendall, Carlos, Logan and James.

"Katie! They want to see you about something," he says sounding worried.

I nod and walk to their office. He's talking about the head of guardian angels. I walk in calmly. I get pushed into a room with the head of the place.

"Katie, please sit," she says.

I take a sit and look at her.

"Katie, we've decided that you get extra time. You get 3 days to finish. It's almost midnight for the humans so you can have a day with each of the boys," she says.

"Thank you ma'am," I smile.

I stand up and turn around to walk away.

"Oh and Katie, you will have to visit the boys at least once a month," she says.

"Yes ma'am," I say.

I walk out and go to my brother's house again. I look over at him. He's looking at all the pictures we took. There has to be thousands of them. I smile and a tear drips down my cheek. I wish I could see him again.

"Hey Katie. You miss your brother don't you?" Stefan's voice rings behind me.

"Yeah, I wish I could talk to him again," I say.

"You will one day I guess. Anyways, we better get going. I'm visiting Kendall today and you still have to visit the other boys today," he says.

"Alright," I mumble.

I go through the gates and start to travel to Wolverhampton. It'll take me at least 3 hours and it's almost 12 pm. I hate how the time flies by here. I wish we could experience the time normally. I guess it's just the way of the afterlife. I look forward and continue my journey. I wonder how Liam is going to be...

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