Chapter 29 - Liam

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I stare at Simon who we laid down on the bed. He keeps mumbling words in his sleep, which is actually scaring me to death. Usually it wouldn’t scare me for people to talk in their sleep, but Simon is drunk and he is letting out a few screams every now and then. I sit down on the desk chair that contains many files. The biggest one is one marked private, but I don’t want to look at it. It might hide something really personal, or something only meant for his eyes.

I turn around to face Harry, Zayn and Simon. In my eyes, I see them not moving. Almost like they’re frozen in time or place. I tilt my head to the side in wonder of how this could have happened. I’m hoping it has nothing to do with Kristian. I’ve had enough of him trying to get me to his side. I roll my eyes remembering the things he promised the last time.

I turn back around to the desk to look through the files to find the one marked private. I sit down in the chair Simon has in his room. Opening it slowly, more tabs come into view. They’re all marked with a number up to number 13. I push my thumb down on the tab that says ‘One’ and flip all the papers before the tab over to the other side. The heading page has two words ‘Age One’. I look through the tab and all of them are of one baby. The baby has big hazel eyes with a head full of hair. One by one, many pictures show how the baby grows. The last picture comes and I’m already at age two.

Picture after picture, I watch the baby grow. The last three ages my heart begins to swell. All are pictures of Katie. It scares me how many pictures I’ve already seen. There has to be hundreds from each age. I bite my lip to look at the last pictures. She looks so at peace with her arm around a youthful Simon. I close the folder causing a piece of paper to fall out onto the floor. I pick it up to observe the paper when it starts to float away from me. I chase it around the room until it finally stops at someone’s feet. I trail up the body of a small, but powerful person.

Nichole looks at me with her hand sticking out. She hasn’t been talking much since she’s having side effects of her death reunion. I don’t think anyone really wants to relive their death experience. I take her hand and I feel the wind rush through me. I breath in the strawberry scented air. It’s quite odd to have the air smell like this. I open my eyes to look around me. I stand next to the London Eye. Everything seems to go by fast, like time is being sped up.

Everything suddenly stops at once. Nichole looks paralyzed in fear. I feel a dark presence start to creep up to me. The single pair of eyes say everything. They’re no longer the dark red, but a yellowish-orange color. The moonlight shines off the eyes like it would for an animal. Kristian’s body appears with his hand sticking forward.

“Hello Liam.” he sneers showing off his yellow teeth. I look in his hand. It’s a picture of Danielle crying. I’ve seen her cry so many times because of the hate Kristian made her go through, but Danielle looks so pain, “I can make it stop Liam.”

“No! You’re causing it! Just get out of my life already! You know I’m not going to join you so why even try!” I scream loudly in his face. His facial expression changes. It completely drops down and his face turns pale. He starts to fade and crumble like sand. The picture of Danielle falls down, but I catch it before it touches the wet street.

It’s no longer a picture of her crying, but smiling at the camera. My heart starts to fill with happiness. I fold the picture and place it in my pocket to keep. I feel a hand on my shoulder and everything starts to fast forward again. Soon enough a white blinding light makes me shut my eyes tight.

I feel the wind suddenly stop. I open my eyes to a pink tinted room. It has the hospital feel to it, but there’s only one bed. A bed containing Katie’s body. I quickly walk over to it but come to a sudden halt. I try to step forward but run into something. I furrow my eyebrows and try again.

“You won’t be able to come over to this side Liam. There’s two things you have that won’t let come over.” a woman looking awfully like Katie says from the other side of the barrier, “You lack faith Liam.”

I bite my lip and look down. It is true. I lack the faith that Katie will ever wake up. I lack faith in my fans who some promise not to give Danielle hate. I lack faith in so many things, I’m always second guessing myself now. I look into her eyes and build up the confidence to believe that Katie will wake up.

“I have faith in Katie. I know she’ll wake up,” I whisper slightly loud enough for the woman hear. She looks at me and nods. I try once again to step to her side but only to get stopped again. My head starts to pound from all the constant blows to the head.

“You also have something that belongs to Kristian.” the woman reminds me. I feel in my pocket for the picture of Danielle that I took. I look at it one more time before I would have to leave it. Her face is smiling and she looks as though she is laughing. A small smile tugs on my lips and place it on the ground.

I watch the picture dissolve away like sand. A strange wind blows away the pieces so no remains are left. I sigh and try to walk through the barrier once more. This time, no blows to my body happens and I’m finally able to look at Katie. I stand next to her and hold her hand. She looks so peaceful, but her face is scrunched in pain.

“Liam!” two voices scream in front of me. I look up to the two voices belonging to Niall and Louis. I give them a smile before looking back down at Katie.

“I’m waiting for you to wake up Katie.” I whisper slightly and let go of her hand. I walk up to Louis and Niall who both look tired, “Have you guys slept at all?” I ask sitting in a big fluffy chair. They sit in the other two big chairs next to me before answering my question.

“Well yeah, but we’re bored. We’ve been here for two days. Well, at least I have.” Louis yawns before closing his eyes. I look over at Niall to talk to him about the stay but he’s already asleep. I stare off into the distance and only have one thing on my mind. Hoping Katie wakes up soon.


[A/N] Okay this was crap I know. Two more chapters left and school starts soon :( boo. Talk to me on Kik and follow me on twitter if you’d like! :)

Kik: ImATurtle98 Twitter: NLNebbie

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