Chapter 2

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Harry's POV:

I grabbed my cloak and walked. I had to find Ginny. I kept looking and finally I saw her. Tears were running down her face. Guilt rose through me. I put the cloak on and luckily no body saw me. I started walking until I saw a boy beside her. Dean. He was just sitting there while Ginny was crying. Who does that? I would never treat her like that! I mean if I was her boyfriend... Am I thinking about that already?

"Hey Dean!" I heard someone say.

"Seamus! Hey what's up?" replied Dean again not remembering Ginny was right beside him.

"Oh, someone's letting everyone ride on the newest latest broomstick for free. But only for the next hour. Are you coming mate?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Dean asked. Seamus saw Ginny and pointed at her. But Dean just shook his head and walked away with Seamus.

Ginny brought her knees up to her chest and hugged them. She didn't realize I was sitting right beside her.

"Oh, I'm such an idiot!" She whispered to herself harshly.

"Don't say that!" I said.

Ginny's POV:

 I heard someone. It sounded like Harry. Am I going insane? But he was probably walking with Cho and forgetting all about me. I'm going crazy now! Just move on.

No, someone was definitely here. I could feel it. 

I gently took my hand and sort of waved it in the air beside me expecting to feel nothing but instead felt something warm and fuzzy and pulled it. Under it was Harry.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I might ask the same about you, Ginny."

"Oh Harry, I'm really sorry. Cho must be so angry at you and it's my fault. Well I mean she's always angry with me for some reason but still."

"Actually, I should be the one saying sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"It's okay Harry. It was me too. I don't know what happened either. Let's just forget about it then?" I guess thats what he wanted. He almost kissed me. Oh my god! I almost kissed Harry Potter! Damn you Cho. 

Harry came closer to me and carefully put his arm around me. It felt nice actually. Dean never does that to me. I slid closer until we were barely an inch away and I put my head on his shoulder. I smiled. If only it could be like this forever ....

Oh come on.

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