Chapter 5

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"Why are you snogging my little sister Harry?" asked Ron.

"Ron, try to understand. Ok? I really like her. In fact I'm crazy for her. Ron I think I'm in love with her. " replied Harry as Hermione walked in. 

"I can't stop thinking about her. She's in my dreams and my thoughts and I can't stand her being with anyone else and I hate the feeling when she is." 

"Aw." said Hermione. 

"Hermione stop!" said Ron.

"Harry, I think I love you too." I hugged Harry tightly. 

"Guys? Focus! Ginny you're only 15. You can't be in love."

"I don't care Ron! Love doesn't have an age."

"Hermione, knock some sense into her. I caught them snogging. And now they love each other?" 

"And you disturbed them? Oh Ronald you will never change will you? Just leave them alone!" said Hermione.

"But he kissed Gi―"

"I don't care. If you were snogging me you wouldn't want them to interrupt and yell in the middle of it would you?"

Then she suddenly went red as did Ron while Harry and Ginny tried to hide their laughter.


The 4 were sitting outside talking and laughing. Forgetting all about what had happened earlier that day.

"Oh hi Ginny!" said a joyful Dean who was walking towards her.

"Um hello Dean." said Ginny uncomfortably.

"Dean?" said a high pitched voice.

"Cho!" he answered. He got up and they started to kiss heavily as Dean tried to pull Cho's sweater off but failed as the zipper somehow got stuck in her hair. Why didn't he just unzip it? What an idiot.This was a once in a blue moon thing to see. Cho tried to take it off but couldn't without cutting it off. She tried to hide her shocked face by making out with Dean again.

"God, they're desperate!" whispered Ginny to Harry.

Harry laughed and Cho looked down.

"Oh Harry, I didn't see you there. Wow, this is awkward. I'm not sure if you've met Dean. My boyfriend."

"Oh obviously not because they're obviously not in the same house, therefore in the same dormitories and in the same year and classes." said Ginny rolling her eyes as the rest of them laughed.

"Well, you moved on fast." said Harry after finally catching his breath.

Cho looked infuriated. "Yeah, I realized you were doing me a favour and found out Dean was the perfect person for me!"

"Great!" said Harry.

Cho pushed Dean down and kissed him and then got up did a failed hair flip as some of her hair was still stuck in the zipper and walked off.

The four got up and left.

"Wait, Ginny could I talk to you for a moment please?" called Cho sweetly from the other side.

" sure?"

"Great! Follow me. You guys can go and Dean as well. I want a private chat with Ginny." she said smiling.

They started to walk until Harry ran up to Ginny.

"Wait, I forgot something," said Harry panting.
"What?" asked Ginny.

"This..." and he kissed her right there in front of Cho, then stopped, smiled and walked away.

Once they all left Cho took Ginny to a corner behind a tree where no one ever came.

"Cho, what do you want from me? I mean why are we here?" asked Ginny.

Cho slowly took out her wand and pointed it at Ginny who just got her wand out.

"Expelliarmus!" yelled Cho as Ginny's wand came flying towards her.

She caught it and threw it to the side.

"What are you doing Cho? Just calm down. This isn't fair! Come on."

"I don't understand how you have the nerve to steal Harry away from me. You must've done something. Love Potion or whatever. He would never pick YOU over me." said Cho in a small voice.

She pointed her wand at Ginny.

"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" she yelled as Ginny hit the soft snow frozen.

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