Chapter 9

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"Bad? IT'S BLOODY DISGUSTING!" Ron exclaimed.

"Ron! It's not that bad." said Hermione seeing the look of horror on Ginny's face.

"Harry?" asked Ginny.

"Who did this to you?" he asked.

"It doesn't matter." she replied.

"Doesn't matter? Are you mad? Answer me." he said.

"I'll..I'll only tell Hermione and only if she promises not to tell anyone else." said Ginny looking at Hermione. Hermione nodded and Harry and Ron walked to other side of the room angrily.

"She'll tell us. Hermione will, I know she will Harry." said Ron.

In a minute Ginny told Hermione and left to go to sleep. Hermione looked so mad and walked to Harry and Ron.

"Well?" asked Harry.

"Dean! It was Dean."

"That slimy git." said Ron.


The next day, Harry went to Cho.

"Cho, I've been thinking and I want to get back together." he told her.

"Oh finally realize that Weasley's no good for you?" she said innocently.


"Hold on." She went to Dean.

"Dean, our plan worked and I'm back with Harry."

"What do you mean? Cho, you said you didn't told me after that you didn't want Harry but you wanted me! You dirty liar!" He got so angry that he smashed his plate on the concrete floor and walked away.

She went back to Harry with a cheesy smile.

"Let's go somewhere else Harry." she said.

He followed her to the same tree she almost killed Ginny with. She grabbed him and kissed him until they were disturbed.

"Harry?" said a shaken voice.

"Ginny, Ginny, Ginny."said Cho.

"How could you do this to me Harry?" said Ginny now sobbing.

"When were you gonna realize that Harry never loved you?" said Cho in her innocent voice.

Ginny ran away crying and sat on a nearby bench. Cho wanted to bother her so she took Harry's hand and went over to the bench Ginny was sitting on. Ginny turned around and Cho sat next to her so that they were back to back and started babbling about herself. Ginny let her arm swing over the bench. She really couldn't stand seeing them together. She was about to leave until Harry grabbed her hand. So Harry casually had his arm around Cho who had turned so that her left shoulder was facing Ginny's back and was holding Ginny's hand.

She swiftly turned around to see him stretch back and put his head back and he winked at her. She smiled at the fact of how thick Cho was. Their plan had worked perfectly.


"Ginny, we need a way to get Cho and Dean to stop bugging us." said Harry.


"Because I need to show them that I'm with you. Always."

"You're so cheesy."

"The cheesiest. Thank you."

"What does that even mean?" she laughed.

Harry and Ginny were sitting on the couch together in the Gryffindor common room.

"Alright, I know that Dean really likes Cho." said Ginny.
"How do you know that?"

"Well, remember that double date we went to?"

"Of course, I spilled butterbeer on you and cleaned you up and Cho got so jealous she spilled it all over the table just so that I would stop helping you," he said remembering the odd date.

"He made it because of Cho. I saw the way he looks at her."

"Well, then we just need Cho to tell him that she can't work with him but that's only going to happen if we break up and I go back go her. And I'm not letting that happen."

"Gone soft, have you Potter?" said Ginny chuckling.

"Only because of you Weasley." he responded kissing her.

"Fine! Let's just make her think that you want her back."

"No way! I hate her." he said.

"Please?" said Ginny making a sad pouty face.

"Nope, not this time Ginny."

She thought for a minute and then brought him closer to her and kissed him.

"How about now?" she said grinning.

"You're a true work of art Ginerva Weasley but very very evil." he claimed. She took that as a yes and laughed.

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