Chapter 6

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"Watch your back, Weasley." said Cho. Cho left her. A few hours later it was night and Ginny had fallen unconscious because of the cold and she was still petrified. 

Harry was really worried about Ginny. He looked around the common room and halls and remembered where Cho took Ginny to have a "private chat" and ran.

There she was. In the snow. Frozen. Literally. Her skin white as a sheet. Her eyes looked lifeless. He picked her up and ran to the hospital wing where Madame Pomfrey was trying to figure out what happened. She told Harry to take a seat. And he watched Madame Pomfrey put a potion in her mouth.

"There, she'll wake up like new in a few hours." said Madame Pomfrey proudly.

Harry stayed there the entire night and fell asleep. In the early hours of the morning, Ginny awoke. Madame Pomfrey instantly told her that Ginny had fallen unconcious in the cold and asked her what she was doing outside so late.

"I don't know. One minute I was talking to somebody and the next I was..." said Ginny thinking.

"It's alright dear. Just go back asleep, you need the rest."

"But wait, who brought me here?"

"Him," said Madame Pomfrey as she pointed to a sleeping Harry.

Ginny smiled. He was so adorable after Madame Pomfrey left,Ginny sat up and went closer to Harry. She sort of stroked his cheek and then kissed him very softly as it was a dream. But he woke up, he kept his eyes closed and kissed her back. Ginny jumped back.

"Harry, you little liar! You weren't sleeping!" she yelled.

"Shhh, stay quiet it's only 5:30 in the morning. I was actually asleep until you decided to wake me up." he whispered.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Harry. You must be so tired."

"It's ok Ginny. I like waking up like that. Wait did Cho do that to you?" he asked.

"It's alright Harry."

"It's alright? Are you mad? Blimey Ginny, you could've died. It was freezing! You scared me to death. " he exclaimed.

"But I didn't." she said and with that Ginny put her lips on Harry's as he automatically responded.

"I'm not going to let her get between us. No matter what. I love you Ginny." Said Harry.

"I love you too Harry."


It was noon. Lunch time and Ginny was allowed to go. She ran to the common room to get changed and ran to the Great Hall.

"Ginny! Where have you been?" asked Hermione and Ron.

Ginny explained everything.

"That foul git!" exclaimed Hermione.

"It's alright, we just need a plan to get revenge. Maybe we should pull a prank on her. See how she likes it." said Ron smiling evilly.

"I think it's time to visit Fred and George's shop." said Harry.

"Brilliant idea Harry." Said Ginny smiling.

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