Chapter 7

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Thanks for all the votes for my sad little story! And please let me know if I have any grammar mistakes or anything!

Ginny's POV:

I couldn't wait to get Cho back. We got some Creepy Crawlies from their joke shop. They looked like real bugs and crawled around in their owners jacket and pants and shoes and they are incredibly difficult to just brush off. I asked Luna to put them in Cho's robes because she's in the same house as her of course and she surprisingly agreed.


Cho's POV:

I woke up. I felt strange, I don't know why. I shrugged it off and went to the bathroom. After slipping on my uniform and robes. I felt really itchy. I grabbed my books and scratched my legs. I went in the Great Hall and sat down at my table. I reached my arm out to get some toast when I saw something black crawling out of my robe.

I let out a shriek that caused everyone to stare as I kept screaming and jumping up and down as I took of my robe. I saw my shirt covered with the same things. I ran outside still trying brush them all off, still screaming. I sat down in the grass when I noticed that they didn't look very real. My heart stopped beating so quickly. I picked one up.

"Ew. Ew. Ew." I said as I placed it in the grass. Its felt like plastic. I brushed my hands still dying from that horrible experience.

Whoever did this really wanted to embarrass me. God. I'm so freaked out. People are gonna make fun of me forever. I groaned as I thought. I gasped. I knew exactly who did this and I was gonna make them pay!


A few hours later, Harry and Ginny were walking together, they were on their way to the Gryffindor common room still laughing about earlier today. They were suddenly stopped by...Cho! But she wasn't smiling. She looked like a mess. She was crying and sobbing non stop. Her makeup was getting ruined making her look like satan!

"Harry!" She said still crying.

"Cho are you alright?" he asked.

"No, *sob* Dean *sob* and.."

"Cho calm down." said Ginny.

"I'm sorry. You guys go. I'll just stay here by myself." She said still crying.

Harry gave a hopeful look, asking if he could stay with Cho for a bit. Ginny looked uncertain but nodded and left. She walked around the corner and went out of sight.

Harry gave an awkward pat on Cho's back and she hugged him tightly. So tightly he really couldn't breathe. Then she stopped wiped her tears. She took off her robes revealing a very tight dress. She took a few steps toward Harry who walked backwards hitting the wall and had no where to escape. She felt his face.

"I've missed you Harry." she said. He tried to find his wand but he remembered his lent it to Ron who lost his and was going to return it when Harry came to the common room. She gave him a long hard kiss, one that Harry did not enjoy at all. 

"Stop Cho. We're over!" he said.

"We're not over because I never said we were!" She was about to kiss him again until...

"Petrificus Totalus!" said a voice. And Cho's body fell with a thud.

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