Chapter 12

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Hi! Thanks for all the reads and votes I'm really happy this story isn't a complete failure.

Everyone was sitting in the Great Hall eating breakfast until Cho walks up to Ginny.

"What do you want Cho?" asked Ginny coldly.

"I just wanted to know if you slept well last night." said Cho with her fake smilling face.

"You want to know if I slept well? Why do you care?"

"I want to know if my nightmare potion worked."

"You! You did that to me? How?"

"You should be more careful about drinking your pumpkin juice." said Cho as she walked away.


Ginny's POV:

Dean ran to me while I was walking to the common room with Harry.

"Ginny!" he shouted.

"Hi Dean." I said politely.

"Drink this."


"Um Professor McGonagall gave me this really great drink and told me to give it to you." said Dean not noticing Harry's tinge of jealousy of how much attention Ginny was giving Dean.

"Really? Alright then." said Ginny as she took great gulps of the drink in the silver water goblet. There was still a little left. I shoved it into Harry's hand.

I felt really weird like I didn't even know what I was doing. Before I knew I kissed Dean. But I didn't mean to. I held hands with him and walked away.

Harry's POV:

 Ok, what just happened. Ginny kissed Dean and just left me. Maybe Hermione knows.

"Hermione!" I shouted as I ran into the common room.

"What happened Harry?" asked Hermione.

"Ginny kissed Dean. She drank this and just left me."

"She did what? Wait, she drank something?"

Harry gave her the water goblet and she brought it close to her nose and smelled it.

"Harry, Ginny didn't know what she was doing. This is a really strong love potion." explained Hermione.

"So, she doesn't like him." he confirmed sighing in relief.

"I can fix it easily." said Hermione.

"Thanks Hermione, you're the best."


Hermione's POV:

At dinner, Ginny was holding hands with Dean and I asked her to come but she refused so many times. I don't get how Dean could've made such a strong love potion.

I finally got Ginny to come and we slowly walked out of the Great Hall with Ginny looking back every 2 seconds to wave at Dean. If she knew what she was doing she'd slap herself. I gave her an antidote and explained everything.

"Oh I feel terrible. You're saying I sort of just left Harry there?" asked Ginny, clearly ashamed of herself.

"Yes, but Ginny it wasn't you fault. Ok? Dean gave you the love potion." I said.

"Dean!" growled Ginny. She kind of scared me as she stomped back to the Great Hall with me running after her.

She walked to Dean and slapped him so hard, it left a mark. I laughed so hard. I know it was mean but he deserved it.

Harry's POV:

I saw Ginny storming to the Gryffindor table and she slapped Dean. I started laughing along with Hermione and Ron too. I was so glad she was back.


"Harry, I'm really sorry." she said to me. She looked so guilty.

"You don't have to apologize. It wasn't your fault. But you did get me really jealous." I admited.

She gave a small laugh and hugged me. Her hugs were always so warm. I kissed her for who knows how long. Ron started complaining and we had to stop. We all started laughing and talking and that's how it should be forever. Always.

The End

Sorry for the terrible ending but I really didn't know how else to end it! I'm planning to write another better story soon! (not a sequel or anything)  And thanks for reading.

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