chapter three

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Excitedly I jump out of the car on the way over to the entrance of the restaurant. Do you know those fancy but also cute-looking places? That's exactly how this place looked. 

You would know exactly that only rich people could afford it but still, it didn't look in your face rich. Just this cute only rich can afford kind of thing. 

My mom made her way over to me and opened the door, me walking beside her. Inside we were greeted by the waiter.

"Ah Miss Engelmann, lovely to see you again. What can I do for you?"

"Would you mind informing me, if Miss Foster and her daughter have arrived already?"

"They indeed did. Please follow me."

We did as we were asked and followed him deeper in the restaurant to a more closed space.

"Here you go. Anything I could get you already, Miss?"

"No, we're fine for now." my mother flashed him her most charming smile and the waiter slightly blushed. Nothing new.

"Vic, it's so good to see you again." Isabella said, gaining our attention.

She looked stunning as always. Her thick black hair was flowing down her back, her tanned skin looked like it was made out of glass and the light seemed to sparkle on her glowing skin. Her beautiful forest green eyes were even softer as they would normally be at the sight of her best friend. I was amazed by her every time. 

As I said, they could probably rule the world.

"Oh Bella, how I missed you. You wouldn't believe it." my mother sighed. 

The tension she held for the last couple of months seemed to fade. They did really have a special bond.

"Oh and Sky how lovely you look. I mean look at you. How much you have grown. Just seen you in pictures." I felt a slight blush rise in my cheeks. 

"Thanks" I mumble.

"Maria should be here any moment." Isabella said to me smiling her most warm smile before she turned back to my mother.

"So how are you? Still that crazy woman I left behind?" she laughed.

"Well, we're doing fine. You know the hustle. Work doesn't do itself." mom responded a smile tugging her lips upwards.

"Ah yeah, you always worked so much." Isabella said almost sounding ironic.

At that moment Maria entered and walked toward us. My whole attention went over to her. As she spotted me she began to smile.

 I took in her image. She definitely changed since I last saw her. She was taller now, not as tall as me but still. Her pitch-black hair was cut to chin length. Her facial features were delicate and soft but still breathtaking. 

Wow, she had grown up. But there was something else. Not about her looks. 

Normally when she entered a room it would lighten up and the mood would get increasingly better. Her eyes would spark out of joy and her eyes would light up with every smile. But now she looked tired. 

Even though I haven't seen her in a long, she seemed less happy, more forced. It made me worried. Normally I was the one with the more annoyed and troublesome energy that balanced out her happiness radiating straight from her. But this pure happiness didn't seem as powerful anymore. For most, she would probably still seem the same. Still, every head turned as she entered and everyone smiled, but I knew something was off.

"Sky, oh my gosh, I missed you so bad you idiotic thwack." she hugged me almost cutting my breath off.

"Yeah, missed you too but please, have mercy and leave me alive." I giggled.

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