chapter five

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That day we went to all her favorite places and stores. I did everything I could to get her out of that deep hole she was trapped in.

We continued. We went out more often. We got back to old habits. You know our usual.

I wanted to help her so I did everything I could. And it worked. It was a long process. But little by little we went up the stairs. Fought our way up her rock bottom. And the life came back to her.

She was open again, happiness started to radiate again. But not like it used to. She was a different person. She seemed wiser. Her happy energy had something to it that also radiated respect. I was so excited to see her evolve. But not only she changed.

All those nights, we helped each other. They didn't just change her.

I talked about dad and all this time I've been ignoring the pain he brought me. I grew numb to it. But every night we sat down. We would start to heal each other. And I recognized that the pain was never gone and I just chose to ignore it. But not anymore. Some wounds take longer to heal. But now they are finally clean and the process of healing will fasten up.

And so life went on. Some days it'd be faster than we were. But we were never alone.

I will never be what she is. A social butterfly will never be something I could embody. But I was fine with going to parties more often and didn't care to sometimes even get some attention. 

I'd never say I'm an attention seeker or that I love attention. But it was fine by me. I was clean with all of it. And it felt so good.

We were there for each other as we were at our lowest. We will always be there for each other.

We both had turned 20 not long ago. I got accepted to Harvard. My mom surely played her part in that but not at her own wish. She just did with her existence. But that was fine by me. I knew I'd have gotten in even without her.

So there we sat waiting for our names to be called. I stood up as Maria's name was called and she flashed me a smile. At that moment it was just us. And I was so proud of us.

Proud of her. She had a real plan for her life. Got her role in a movie. Basic romance movie I suppose it was and she couldn't be more excited.

My plan was to take my mother's place. I still want to make her proud. But mostly I want to make myself proud. I want to change the world.

The day passed by faster than I had wished for. But it was probably one of my greatest days ever. We were laughing and having fun. We were free for that day. 

Just one day not living the life. You know. We were simply Maria and Sky. Just two girls how grew up in a cruel world even though it seemed like a dream for everyone around.

They knew the truth about each other and that was all that mattered. 

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