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"I don't think that you know what you're doing Dresmonda", Elmondra said, as she stared at the cobbled roads of London town.

      Her familiar, Darkmoreim, hissed at her enemy.

      "Hush, darling! Mommy's taking care of everything. There's no anger 'wards others in the coven". Elmondra patted her black colored cat, as its red colored eyes followed the orphans, demons, and others that came to Mist Gate Castle.

        "I have Council matters to attend to. Tonight is the New Year's Moon. A new year of growth...and death". Dresmonda said, as her red colored eyes gleamed in the moonlight.

         "And what can the Council of the Black Covens need o' us?", asked Elmondra.

        "Greytorl the Wise wants all Witches and Warlocks to be together. There's too many families who want to take o'er London. Look what happened to  the Vampires...Bloodshed all over London. And the agonies of the damned could be heard all over the country", answered Dresmondra. Her pale face shone in the moonlight, as her black gown swished across the gothic columns of Mist Gate. She had known that the Guards fled the cursed Castle of Lord Simon and Lady Gemma Carnavan...And their son, Prince Thomas Carnavan, was buried with sadness. He had made sure that the poor villagers were fed and kept safe...But the Balaign and other Vampire Families were always killing each other due to revenge, spite, and anger, or other means of vengeance that was in their own bloodline, that caused the mania that couldn't be quelled by normal ways...

          "And then do not the old blood of the headless continue to be shown on the top of the gates? Is that not evil?", asked Elmondra, "...It bespokes of anger most foul. Such horror I have not witnessed for centuries...Not till I read o' Countess Erzerbet Bathory and Vlad the Impaler...Huge influences in the infernal mind and soul of Lady Gemma Carnavan...Whose own father, the old Lord Carnavan, moved her into the Servants' Chambers for her own good...Less the blood madness was too great...And she would hunt village girls and rip their heads off...But not before ripping their flesh...And feeding on their virgin blood...Is vampiric...and obscene", she added.

          "Depends on your way of power...Lady Gemma was pure evil. Her lesbian sisters used violence and force of will for their own power...And conjuring the Demons. And the like...But it was Lady Gemma people feared...And her husband the new Lord Carnavan, whose name was Simon, travelled here in 1822 aged 12, and went on a long adventure...Until he was bitten thrice by one of the lesbian she could show the power...But she put the Carnavan Vampire Family into a long war that wouldn't end until 1829, seven years' later", Dresmondra said, as they saw the new travellers and waited for them to arrive...Before they decided to kill them or not, in their own way.


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