Epilogue; Whitechapel, East End; 15 September, 1888

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"Most grievous night, Inspector", said Chief Inspector Donald Swanson, "...After the other murder, we think that a killer is on the loose", he told Inspector Frederick Abberline.

       "Indeed. But one more killing and we have a madman on the loose", he said.

      "Aye...Even the criminals at Bedlam are scared...In Scotland, around Mary King's Close, we 'ave the plague and ghosts, and terrors that make me sweat at night...There was a case decades ago with Burke and Hare, body snatchers...But this is worse...It seems that the Ripper has medical knowledge; anatomical knowledge...He was seen with a Doctor, (whose name is not recorded), and who frequent the Pubs, Taverns, Inns, and Ports of London...Scotland is a disease filled city. Crime is not controlled...And, as a result, the local villagers suffer...The victim is Annie Chapman. She is a prostitute. Sad", the Chief Inspector said.


 "Now, once we deal with the fact thus: That, some part of her uturus is gone; that she was disembowelled; that her intestines was cut out of her abdomen, and from both of her shoulders", Doctor George Bagster Phillips, 55, said,  as he shivered, "...Asphyxiation is noted...Thus, according to me, we see the swollen face, and tongue...The Ripper, (so fanciful a name for the killer), is so named because of the way he, (for it is a man with strength), can inflict such violence upon prostitutes in the East End, in the Whitechapel area of London...A place that has dim lamps to illume the cobbled roads, and entrances to the Taverns, Inns, and Sea Ports...In short, the killer is dangerous. Annie Chapman suffered from black lung disease; she was not affected by alcohol. For she couldn't be drunk while offering sex to men...Now, the Ripper's knife was large: 6 to 8 inches from the bottom of the sharp weapon, to the hilt. A knife that would cut through flesh...As the blood gushed everywhere...A horror to behold Gentlemen...The time of death is...4.30 am", he concluded. And, after he finished the autopsy, he closed the body of Annie Chapman up...Then  he washed his hands in the sink. The water getting rid of the blood, as he took his black colored gloves off, and turned the taps off...Then he watched Inspector Frederick Abberline and Chief Inspector Donald Swanson, talking,

           "Thank you Doctor. I'm sure that we'll find the Ripper", they said. Then they left the Morgue room, and headed back to the London base of Scotland Yard, to deal with the aftermath of the latest murder in Whitechapel.


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