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"Who are you?", asked Dresmonda.

      "Lilith, Queen of Waste. And this is my Imp. He has many names. We left London through the portal. Now, I don't want to go back to old news...but there old ways are gone...Now, we need a place to live...And this Castle will be our new home", Lillith answered.

        "We are the caretakers of Mist Gate Castle...This place is not for the faint-hearted. See the heads on the wrought-iron gates....This is the former home of the Carnavan Vampire Family...Beyond the statues is the ancient cemetery...Through it is a garden. It is sacred. If anyone goes there, something beyond Hell lives there; something that will rip your flesh off...And break every bone in your body...And turn you into ash...The creature is called "Vampoul", a thing that is Undead and feeds of the well as sucking the blood from victims...It also has demonic powers...It is more powerful than anything in the Underworld...So, beware!", Dresmondra said.

           "Nothing scares me", said Lillith.

           "Oh, you'll be scared", Dresmondra said, and she lifted high in the air.

            And she grabbed a razor and slashed Lillith's throat with her right, clawed hand. Blood gushed from the deep wound.

            Margaret and Emily cowered near Elmondra and her familiar, Darkmoreim.  They had had seen enough blood shed, and they were now more concerned about surviving...not dying.

             But, to Desmonda's horror, Lillith grabbed her by the neck with her long, fiery, and hellish clawed hands, and ripped her head off in anger and threw the bloody head into the garden. She watched the head roll into the garden's gothic black entrance, past the statues, and into the demonic statues that guarded the Castle from its enemies in London.


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