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Yasmine's pov (10 years later on charistmas day)

I'm 28 now. Me and Adam are happily married. Both of us stopped againg at 20 so now for 8 years we havnt changed. We have 6 childern:

Jenna, Sophie and Harry are triplets at the age of 7.

Jack and Gabby are twins at the age of 5

Henry is 1. 

I love my kids. Jenna and Sophie act a lot older than 7. They help with Henry and just generly around the house. We try and get them to play but they refuse. Harry in the other hand spends most of the time playing with Jack. Gabby follows Jenna and Sophia around. The three girls look like me with black hair and pale skin. The three boys look alot like Adam wih blonde hair.

Its christmas day. Everyones here:

Keegan, Lisa and their 3 children Bella(7) Camron(6) and Jessie(3)

Ben, Abby, Jack(13)

Lucy, her mate Jhona, Their daughter Kallie(7). It turned out Lucy did get a mate. She was extatic.

Holly, her husband(not mate) and their twin sons Jason and Jamie(7).

We were all together with our familys. We all had kids around the same time. There are so many of us. Lisa and Keegan are just spending a few weeks with us as they still have a pack to run wereas the rust of us live together in this masive mantion. Me and Adam are the Alpha and Luna of a small pack consistiong of just family. the WC(wolf consil) alowed us to make our own pack.

"Ok everyone dinneris almost ready, kids go outside and play. Jenna Sophie that means you too". The girls reluctanly got up and followed the bundle outside. They sat on the bank chatting with Jack and Kallie while the rest played on the swingls and stuff. I was in the kitchen when the door bell rang. I walked to the door and opened it. On the otherside was Shane and boy standing beside him.

"Hi Yaz" he said.

"Shane" i whispered. "Whos this".

"I'm Jace" the boy said "His son".

"Hi I'm Yasmine" i told him.

"Dads mate" he said looking away.

"Used to be yes Jace. Why dont you go through to the back yard. There are quite a few kids back there" I told the boy. He hugged Shane and ran to join the kids.

"Taliya left me and Jace the day he was born. Told me she hated him." Shane told me. I pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry" I told him.

"It wasnt your fault none of this would have happened if i hadnt have cheated on you" He said.

"Why dont you come in" I asked him.

"Whos here"

"Adam, Keegan and Lisa as well as their kids, Ben, Abby and theirs kids as well as Lucy's mate and Hollys husband and all their children, and my kids" I told him.

"You have kids" he asked.

"Yes, 6" I told him. I lead him into the living room. I explained to everyone and they seemed ok with it.

Maybe tings didnt go the way we planed but i kind of did get my Happily Ever After!!!



THIS BOOK IS FINISHED.:(:(:(:(:(:(:(


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