Her Bestie Benny

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Bo Ra quickly put down her phone and covered her cheeks with her palm, "Okay, this is getting out of hand, I really want to shower him with my love, I've waited enough.... but -- but what if he  thinks of me as just a friend?! Am I worthy of such an angel???" she said turning towards the guy who was standing a few steps away from her, who just smiled in response.

 "And you, for god's sake can't you be quiet, I was on call with him! and you had to shout from there" she said furiously face palming.

"I was just curious, if he was your boyfriend whom you talked about the other day" Benny retorted.

"I never said we were in a relationship, will you stop exaggerating everything I say!" Bo Ra glared.

"Okay, okay cool dear, you know I get panicked easily unlike you" he said in a low tone.

"Sorry not sorry, I had to disconnect my angel's call abruptly because of you" she sat down on a bean bag.

Her room was a compact one. It had two rooms on a whole, one bedroom and a living room kind of place where in she had 3 bean bags. There was a kitchen like set up, a minimalistic one where she could prepare some basic stuff. Ofcourse there was a person who provided meals for the residents, because it was mostly the place for university and working women who lived away from their homes.

"And when do you plan on leaving? doesn't it take quite a while from here, the aunt in charge closes the main gate at 11" she said taking her laptop to play some movies. Since it was the first day of college, there was not much of work.

"It's just 9 now, let me stay a bit while, I'll leave by 10? hmm? please???" Benny whined walking close and sat on the bean bag beside her.

"Whatever, later don't call me whining when you get on the bus saying you are getting strange stares, I won't pick up!" she played the movie which she left halfway the previous day.

"Umm--- You know I keep getting those stares" he said with puppy eyes "Its not my fault to be this cute, and who set the standards that boys should be bold?, look at you being bold unlike me on contradiction to being a girl, so don't complain saying I'm a scaredy cat, both of us don't fall into the 'NORMAL' category they say. Of course not everyone looks at you in the weird way like they do to me" he whined.

"Oh god, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you or something, you know I always tease you like that, why are you on the edge today? I mean you are always sensitive but today its more than usual, did anything happen?". Bo Ra asked.

"Ahh, Don't even ask that" he said fidgeting his fingers. "Okay then, leave it" Bo Ra turned towards her laptop.

"Hyeeahhh.... I didn't mean like that" he said hitting her lightly more like a tap. "HAHAHA, continue" teased Bo Ra.

"You know I like guys" Benny said, "So do I" Bo Ra said. "Will you let me speak??" he said with a firm voice. 

"Okay continue"  she chuckled. "There's this girl I don't even remember her name, she asked me  on a date tomorrow!" he said in an almost panicked tone.

"Nice! and why are you panicking, she might want to befriend you, maybe and it will be nice if you could get a friend in your university" Bo Ra said patting him.

"You think so, but I'm a bit you know, I don't know how it will go" he was worried.

"Just try, you can't be alone all the time. I'm your only friend as far as I know, it would be nice if you could get someone else too" she smiled.

They have been friends for like 10 years now. Except for 2 years during her middle school, Benny has always been there for her. He knows everything about her. Though theirs characters and personalities are mostly polar opposites they click well with each other. She is more towards extroverted and a boyish type whereas on the other hand Benny is introverted who always needs assurances and wants someone to lean to and a bit of a femboyish. Maybe that's why they compliment each other.

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