Confession 1

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After a while of chit chat and playful jokes, everyone departed leaving behind Taehyung to do his shift. His and Jungkook's room were just 15 minutes from the cafe. Jungkook walked to his room smiling. Its been a while now, he can feel it, he knows it but is nervous, what if he is wrong and what if he is the only one who feels it.

They have been friends since middle school but something changed in high school and he felt it, it took him a while to realize. Nevertheless he is sure by now. He has become Taesexual. He feels that his little tiger also feels the same but just needs that one confirmation signal. 

He unlocked their room. Their place had two bedrooms a hall and a small kitchen. It was comfortable for both of them. In the corner of his heart Jungkook does feel uncomfortable because they had to sleep in different rooms. He can't wait for the day when he can fall asleep while cuddling his Tae baby. He wants nothing more.

He lied down on his bed, he had set his alarm at 8:30 pm to go pick up his baby. Taehyung's shift ends at 9:00 pm. It was already 6:30 when they all left the cafe, so he was wondering if Tae will do extra hours. While he was deep in thoughts he didn't notice the 'someone' who tiptoed towards him.

"Boo" , Jungkook pretended to be scared of course he should its his baby bear, he doesn't want him getting disappointed. "I caught you again" Taehyung chuckled. 

"You always do " Jungkook said sitting on the bed and gesturing Taehyung to sit beside him. Taehyung sat beside with his boxy smile full on display.

'I'll even die to see this boxy smile everyday' Jungkook thought to himself. "You are early today?, I thought you might do extended hours".

"Now you are disappointed that I'm back early?" Taehyung pouted. Jungkook couldn't resist himself. He wants to pull this delicious looking innocent baby in front of him for a deep kiss in such a way that the other will never forget it for eternity.

"It's not like that baby, in fact I'm enjoying" Jungkook's mind was clouded, it had been hard for him for the past year since he realized his true feelings. Now that they have shifted together most importantly 'alone' he is overwhelmed, he was worried he would slip and there he goes slipping like he stepped on a banana peel. 

"Jungkook?" Taehyung had a confused- shocked expression. Jungkook was already panicking.

'Should I take this chance?' there was a new found confidence in him, "Umm--- Tae baby, Um I mean, I want to talk to you about something" He blurted.

"Go on" Taehyung was intimidating, maybe it was just in his head but whatever. 

"Umm, I ---- , I , I've been thinking for a while, mhm, No actually, not thinking, I realized it like a year ago that I, I like you, not the like which friends have, I want you to be more than that" He finished and closed his eyes tight.

Taehyung chuckled silently at the cute bunny, 'It took him this long and finally he said it'. 

"What do you mean Jungkook?" his tone was an angry one.

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes to see the angry angel. His heart was about to jump out of the ribcage. He felt his life flash before him. 'He can really kill me with just his eyes'.

"I'm, I'm sorry, I tried hard not to fall for you, but who can resist this beauty? definitely not me, I know you are angry, but please don't hate me or leave me, I won't bother you with this anymore, let us just pretend that this never happened, I promise, I won't bring this up ever again I swear, I'll forget this" Jungkook was on the verge of crying.

"After all this you want us to go back to being just friends, how can you be just friends with me, when you have this feeling, after saying this aloud Jungkook? Is it even possible? will it be normal again? you think..???" Taehyung furious voice broke Jungkook.

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