Free hugs

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Y/N pov

Dad has never seen any of my drawings.. not since he told me I couldn't become an illustrator. "D-dad.. give me back my book please." I stuttered as I walked over too him. "I thought u gave up on this crap." He said sternly not giving me back my book. "Just give me back my pad."

"You know this is stupid. There's no money in art." My blood boiled. "I'm not going to argue with you.. just please give it-" he cut me off. "No Y/N your not going to get anywhere in life doodling and I need to make sure you get a good job that pays well!"

"Dad! Just give it back please!"

"Your being stupid Y/N! Just give up trying to go against us!" Just then mum walked in. "What is going on here?!" She asked

"Y/N has been drawing again."

"Y/N? I thought you had finally given up that bad habit!" She turned to me with a scowl. Mum was nice but she wanted me to be exactly like her.. "bad habit? This is unbelievable.. just give it back and then I'll go to my room.." I can't believe what I'm hearing.. "no Y/N your not going to learn if we keep letting you off.." he said looking at me with a frown. I saw him grab one of the pages.. oh no.. he's going to rip them up!

No one's pov

"Wait!" You pleaded as he began to rip up the book "NO STOP!" You ran up to him and tried to grab it out of his grip. Pages were spread out across the table. You grabbed them all and hugged them close to your chest tears streaming down your cheek. "...what the fuck is wrong with you!" You grab what's left of the book out of your dad's hands. You never swear at them but the deserve it this time. "Y/N! Don't swear at your farther like that!" Your mother yelled at you. "Oh no don't worry it's aimed at you aswel! I can't believe you would do this! ... I spent so much time on this.." your parents were astonished. "I SPENT SO MUCH TIME ON THIS!" You repeated slamming you hand on the table dropping all the drawings again. "as soon as I have enough money I moving out.. you can all go to hell!" Yo screamed before running out the door.

Wybie pov

I didn't know why, but I was excited to see Y/N again.. I mean they are pretty cute.. b-but then again this is the first person I've talked to that around my age in.. well forever.

As I was approaching the front door, I saw Y/N running out, were they crying? They sped past me. "Y/N are you ok?" I asked as they continued running "y-yes I'm just going for a walk!" They yelled back. I knocked on the door and an angry looking man opened up "can I help you?" He said in a scary tone. "H-hi my name's Wybie Lovat and my grandma owns the place so I just came round to check make sure everything ok and that your settling in." I smiled
"Oh yes everything's fine with the's a little messy but nothing we can't fix." He wasn't focused. Just then I heard a faint cry. That must be Y/N's mother.. she's definitely crying. "Is everything ok with the family? I can hear crying.."

"It's really non of your business-" the lady cut him off "no it's not ok.. our child has gone crazy!" She started to ball. "Our child Y/N has a crazy unrealistic dream and when we tried to tell them that they can't do it, they started yelling at us and ran off.. probably sulking." He scoffed leaning on the door, now I can see a bunch of paper work maybe? scattered across the floor.. did Y/N do that? Close to the door I'm standing at I can see Y/N's drawing of the cat. I pulled closer to me with my foot and outside hiding it behind the wall. "I can go find them if u want and I'll bring them back." I asked

"Yes please I'd like to chat with them." They closed the door and I picked up the drawing, it had a few tares here and there. I set off on a journey to find the beautiful and maybe rebellious Y/N.

No one's pov

Y/N sat hiding behind this same to rocks as before, crying as quietly as humanly possible. "Y/N? are you ok?" A voice behind them made them jump. "O-oh yeh I'm fine just got tired of walking so I decided to-"

"Are you crying?" Wybie asked crouching behind them.

"N-no." They said wiping away tears. He grabbed their shoulder turning them around. They looked up slowly and started to cry again hiding their face in their hands. He reluctantly pulled them into a hug and to his surprise they hugged back crying into his strange coat. "H-hey what happened?" He whispered. Y/N explained what happened through Brocken speech.

"Wait so they don't want you to become an illustrator? But why?"

"I think it's because I won't earn as much money as they would like.."

"I can't believe they would do that to your book aswel.. What do they want you to do?"

"My mum wants me to be a marine biologist since she was never able to.. my dad just wants my mum to get what she wants.."

After a little while Y/N stopes crying and they started talking about what they want in their futures. "I just want to write and illustrate my own comics.. maybe move to Japan? I don't know just as far away from them as possible."

"Awe don't leave me behind!" He laughed
"Hehe don't worry you can come with. What do you want to do?"

"Well I kinda gave up on college, and now I just want to look after my grandma. I suppose I'll have to get a job after she's gone.. other than that, I'm not sure what I want to do."

They both decided it was time to walk back to Y/N's house. "Thanks for making me feel better.." Y/N smiled at him

"Of course, any time! I'm always here to give free hugs when needed." He walked Y/N to the door "oh and before I forget.." he ruffled through his pockets. "Here, I found this on the floor." He handed them a piece of paper with a drawing of the black cat. "I thought this was ripped up! Thanks so much!" Y/N hugged him once again before they said their goodbyes.

Y/N walked through the door and there were no parents to be spotted.. they took advantage of this and ran to their room that had a bed and all their boxes that needed unpacking. They can do that tomorrow though. On the bed sat a doll. On closer inspection, the doll looked an awful lot like them, with the same bag, coat boots and even buttons that matched their eye colour! It was a little creepy but they were way too tired to care. "Never too old for dolls.." they murmured before hugging it and crying themselves to sleep.

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