Chapter 1: The Mirror

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The chandelier fell and crashed to the ground; the sound deafening my ears and shattered like my heart did a few years ago when parents died. 

"Luna!" came the voice of a worried lady. "Lunaire, come here this second! Darling, are you okay?"

My arm was wedged under a brick that had fallen. My legs were sore. 


"I'm here, ma'am..." I groaned. 

Then everything went black. 

I woke up in the hospital. The beeping of the machines and the thick smell of medicine made my head spin. I just hope that Rosalie's alright. 

With my arm wrapped in a heavy bandage, my right leg wrapped in a cast, and a headache approaching, my eyelids threatened to close and fall into sleep. But I refuse. 

A doctor came over, his face full of alarm. Suddenly, there was a clicking sound on the door. 

A man wearing black strode into the room. In his hands were guns. "Leave, Luna. You will be missed." Then he fired. 


It was all just a nightmare. It seemed so real... and the beginning was the most real part. It was a memory, a memory of three years ago... the earthquake that happened, the crystal chandelier falling from the ceiling, and my loss of my parents. The voice sounded like the orphan keeper. 

I darted out of bed, careful not to disturb the other sleeping orphans, and waited at the door, patiently. I rang the bell, and soon, a lady came over. 

"I need to use the restroom, ma'am," I said quietly, lowering my head in respect. 

"You may." 

I ran to the restroom and entered it. 

After splashing my face with cool water, I looked up into the mirror. 

A man that looked so much like the man in my dream—he even had a gun that looked just like it—it could not be. I was hallucinating. But I wasn't. The man's eye sockets were hollow and pitch-black; he had no eyes. His face was as pale as alabaster. Slowly, he stepped out of the mirror.  

This was not a dream. 

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