Chapter 20: Carmen's Farewell

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"We're here," I said to Luna. "Take a look around. Have fun."


After a while, Luna came into my view again. She didn't ask any questions, though I could see she wanted to. She stayed quiet. 

Yilania appeared, again. She looked troubled, but she said, "Let's leave, now. I have someone for you to meet." 


"Aeluin!" Luna cried, when we arrived at the place Yilania took us to. Luna looked at Yilania in shock. "But... why?" 

Yilania laughed. "The person who has to accompany you is Zephyr." 

Luna gasped, but then her face went blank. "No, no. No. This can't be. Not Zephyr." she whispered. "Not him. He can't. This mission is too dangerous."

"It is Zephyr," Yilania said, gently. "He's coming with you." Her face looked more worried than ever. "Something bad's going to happen," she murmured, "Be ready for it." 

She disappeared. 

Luna stifled a whimper, and smiled tartly. "Let's go. I'll show you around the village I lived in." 


When Luna first introduced me to Zephyr, I couldn't say that I wasn't surprised. His skin was a bronze that shone in the sunlight, and he had silver hair. His eyes glinted ice blue, and he smiled warmly at me. "Hello," I said, and smiled back. He nodded in hello. 

I really couldn't say what happened next. It was as if we were in Vaeroth all over again.

Except, there were no gunshots or screams.

The next thing I knew, I felt a trickle of warm liquid down my neck, and gently pressed my finger to it. My hand was stained crimson. My head was beginning to spin, and I felt like I was going to fall. Down. Down. Down into the earth. 

Vaeroth. I never got to say a proper goodbye to Azmist....

"CARMEN!" came a shout. 

I was dying, and I knew it. There was no pain. What was happening?

Memories of my life flashed past my eyes. 

I would never be able to say goodbye to my orphanage. Los Angeles. The Adults. 

Would I be going to hell? 


Carmen Cerhaven, I thought. I could hear my mother's voice again. Carmen Cerhaven. 

"Destroy The Other Side..." I murmured. 

"No," Luna said. "No, we can fix your wound, Carmen," 

My eyes glimmered. "It's okay. It was nice to be your friend, Luna. I'll meet you sometime. I'll be talking to you somehow. In your dreams, perhaps. I'll talk to you again. I'll return. Sometime. It's okay, Luna. You'll destroy The Other Side. Everything's gonna be okay. Pretend I was never there. Never. You have to continue, Luna. You have a mission, and you already started. So you have to end it." 


"Yilania," I greeted. "Hello." 

Yilania smiled. "You know, if Luna destroys The Other Side, then you'll live again. Because losing someone was one of her fears. She'll be losing more and more people, if she lets The Other Side continue on." 

I grinned as I felt Yilania's fingertips on my head. "Everything's gonna be okay." I breathed. 

I walked off with her, further into the Clouds of Lost Dreams.

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