Chapter 26: Back

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I was simply lying. 

Rosalie was doing fine. She was still sad that Luna had left her, but she was safe. 

Luna had accepted again. It was working. 

After I told Luna that I had lied, she was infuriated, yet also satisfied because she got to feel the triumph of acceptance again. 

"What do we do now?" I asked. 

"Zeph, I'm sorry... but I feel like I should go back. To the orphanage. I need to reunite with everyone. I'm sorry. Aeluin just isn't... I'm not part of Aeluin anymore. I have Aeluin blood in me, but I'm not part of Aeluin anymore." her voice broke. "Though I wish I still were. I'm sorry." 

I stared at her, dumbfounded. This wasn't real, was it? She couldn't be leaving. 

"But what about me?" I asked. A wave of melancholy was engulfing me. 

Her eyes shone with pity. But I didn't want pity. I wanted friendship. I needed friendship. I couldn't live like this for the rest of my life. 

"I'm sorry." Luna whispered. "But I don't think Aeluin is my home anymore." 


"How will you get back?" I asked desperately. 

"Yilania will take me there," Luna smiled sadly. "I-I belong there. And I owe everyone there apologies."

You also owe everyone in Aeluin apologies, I thought. 

She smiled again. "Smile, Zephyr. It'll be the last time I see you do."

The last time. 

I smiled bitterly. 

"Goodbye," Luna said at last. "I hope I can see you again sometime in the future. If not, I'll remember you and our times in Aeluin."

"Goodbye," I said. 

My only friend, gone. 

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