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I'm glad you clicked on this book. 

Honestly, my writing journey is up and down. The progress halts all the time, especially because I'm still this person who goes to school. It went up a hill when I first wrote the few chapters... but then, it flowed by itself, and grew a mind of its own. 

An important note is: I don't write horror, usually only fantasy and/or adventure. This is probably the only book I've ever written in my life so far in which I've tried to incorporate that little sliver of horror-fiction in. Maybe you'll feel the tiny, minor parts where I've tried my best to stuff in a little scary stuff, but probably not. 
Unless you're sensitive to things with a little creepy air. Well then... enjoy. 
Apparently it's "very spooky," according to a friend. That's for you to decide. Not much on me.

I send some gratitude to all the songs I've listened to while writing this, and also the friends who have encouraged me to write more. 


Ashes <3

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