Chapter 16: Different Worlds

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I quickly got up without a sound.

And there stood Luna. 


We were not in The Other Side. We were at the base of the burgundy tree; the one that now had no entrance. 

But just as I thought that, we were suddenly not at the base of the burgundy tree. 

How was this possible?

"What is this place?" Luna asked. 

"This is like one of those books where everything is all so confusing," I muttered. "Except, we're in the book. The book is our life."

I inhaled deeply. 

We were standing on clouds—in which, somehow, supported our feet. 

I looked around, every single part of me a mess: especially my mind: what was this place? What were we doing here? How did we get here? We were on Earth a few moments ago. 

Rays of beautifully bright colours blinded my vision. They shone down directly onto the clouds we were on. We were not in the sky, however: it was like we were in a galaxy of colours. 

"Why, hello. My magic still actually works, I see," said a musical voice with a slight laugh. Luna and I turned around. 

It was the angel. 

"Oh—uh, hello," Luna said nervously, "You are... the angel?"

The angel nodded. "Yilania."

"I see." I smiled, and pondered on what to say. My thoughts were swirling too rapidly in the vortex of questions that lived in my mind. "Where are we?"

"We are among the Clouds of Lost Dreams." she looked at us, and raised an eyebrow. 

I blinked. 

"What's that?" Luna whispered. I shrugged. Yilania, though standing what seemed like three feet from us, clearly seemed to hear what she asked, and sighed. 

"The Clouds of Lost Dreams is where all the beings whom look over Earth live," Yilania said, her voice in and out, fading occasionally, "Everyone who settles here are called the Celestials. Many kinds live in The Clouds of Lost Dreams, including... let's see: angels, cloud nymphs, storm nymphs, rainbow imps... and of course, lots more, but those are the main beings who live here. 
Fears will occasionally visit The Clouds of Lost Dreams to cause chaos, but all of the Celestials have gotten used to it; it isn't something to fuss over anymore." 

"Why is it called The Clouds of Lost Dreams?" Luna questioned. 

"Because we send dreams," Yilania replied, "But, unfortunately, most of the dreams that are sent to the humans on Earth are forgotten."

"I'm afraid I have to cut in, to another subject," Luna said, apologetically, and Yilania turned to her. 


"For the case of The Other Side... how do we destroy it?" 

"Ah," Yilania responded after a few moments, with a heavy sigh, "That, I cannot tell you—because I do not know how. All I know is that the solution will come to you, sometime, and that to find the solution, you will have to enter multiple, different worlds that I know of, and talk to the most prized and wise oracles there. I know I sound useless—and I am, indeed, for now. Whenever you need me, however, call my name, and I will be there. If you do not have any more questions, then I shall send you to the entrance of the first world you have to enter."

"How many?" I asked quickly, perhaps a bit too loudly. 

"Sorry?" Yilania asked, perplexed. 

"How many worlds shall we have to enter?" 

"Around four or five, at least, eight at most." 

"Shall you guide us to each entrance?" I questioned, desperately. 

"Perhaps," the angel said. 

"Thank you," Luna said. 

Yilania smiled warmly. "Go now, children. You have a long journey ahead of you. The world awaits you both and your future accomplishments."


"Yilania?" I asked in a whisper. 

"Yes, right behind you," came her voice: fading in and out. 

"Are we almost there?" Luna murmured. We had been walking for quite some time. 

"Yes, yes, a little more patience please," said Yilania, calmly. 

After a few more moments, I heard her voice ring in my ears: a voice of triumph. "Ahah! We are here." 

I managed to smile bitterly. 

How will we destroy The Other Side?

How long will this take?

Will we die?

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