2° Technoblade(⌐■-■)

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Lol have fun! I know I prolly will cringe later, but thass fine

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Lol have fun! I know I prolly will cringe later, but thass fine.

Another reminder to drink water! 

Love you! Even though we are strangers. Know you are wanted. 

Also if your new to this whole wattpad thingy.

Y/n means your name. I probably won't be using any other confusing short forms lol.



I finally saw some smoke. I might get some warmth there then. It had been almost three hours of me just wandering around trying to find a place to stay in this snow biome. Tommy must've been in logstedshire the whole time. It had been only a month since we had been in exile. Dream used to come and visit us almost everyday. Poor Tommy was hallucinating and thinking dream was his friend. Bullshit. That's what it was. I couldn't let Tommy be in exile alone. Firstly, I was shocked when tubbo, TUBBO, his friend exiled him. Then, the second wave of shock was when no one decided to go with Tommy. Not quackity, Fundy or literally anyone else. 

Anyways coming back to my freezing body. My teeth chattered. My hands were pale and numb. Just a few more meters and I could be near fire. Whoever's house that was, I hoped would be caring enough. But the thing was my feet couldn't move. I couldn't breathe cause of the lack of oxygen. The snow reached my knees. I gave in, I couldn't move an inch anymore. My eyes closed as I fell the burning snow on my face and Maybe heard a horse neighing.

---------------time skip to idk---------------

Fur. Warmth. Fire.

This is briefly what I felt. Fire crinkled. My eyes shot up. Where was I? On a sofa right now idiot. I had a cape on me. Really soft.

"Good, your awake." I heard a voice behind me said. My eyes widened. It couldn't be. "I've been meaning to ask you. How did you find me y/n?" His voice monotone like always.

"I don't quite understand what you mean technoblade." I replied as I turned towards him. Honestly how did he even find me?

"You were literally passed out near my house. You probably were searching for me weren't you?"

"Well I didn't know it was your house alright. And why would I even look for you?"

"To apologize."

I scoffed. "Apologize? I'm sorry, but last time I remember one of us destroyed a nation, was you!"

"And I was correct for doing that."

"Techno you haven't even realised your mistake have you?"

"I make no mistakes y/n. What I did was right and no harm was done to me or Phil."

"I don't know about you but Phil isn't fine. He had to kill his own son! Then was put in a house arrest. Clearly your definition of no harm is way different."

He went silent.

He did save my life though....ugh...

"Thank you."


Yeah, we sat like this for the next five minutes. Before he had blown up lmanburg (lmanberg also exists I know. But I use lmanburg so ya. Dill wid it pickle) we had spent way too much time together. The potato farm, getting the armour and swords. But I never expected him to be secretly collecting either skulls. I was there when Wilbur had died. When Wilbur pushed the button. When he asked Philza to kill him. I saw it all. Yes, trauma was my middle name.


I'm too lazy rn to finish this, and also school. So prolly will make a part two or smn.



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