12° kid - Dre -_-

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*Insert a funny dream meme*


Prompt: y/n gets their wisdom teeth out and dream is trying to keep em in a calm state cause they are loopy-ish. Karl and sapnap join in to record the whole experience (lol I just love the idea, again this is all platonic and before dream commits...well.....arson)


Third pov I guess:


Holy shit you actually look weird

Im perfectly fine, but you never told me you had a twin

A twin?


Y/n there is literally no one beside me.

Stop lying, heyyy dreams twin

Y/n started to get up but the nurse made them sit down. 

'Just don't let them get up for a while alright, ill be back in a jiffy.' With that she left the room to get more cotton balls for their bloody mouth.

'hehehe. She's gone.' Y/n giggled like a child. 

'Umm....yeah. Karl and sapnap are on their way right now. They thought it'd be fun to vlog it. We'll probably ask you if your okay with it after your sober-ish.' Dream scratched the back of his neck not knowing what to do.

'You know, your twin is really pretty.'

' Thats just you telling im pretty.'


'Mhm. Don't deny my attractiveness.'

'I am no-' 

'Don't shout. Calm down.'

' I am calm!' Y/n started to get up again.'

'Sit downnn, jeez your a child.'

Before y/n could argue Karl and shapmap came in.

'Y/NNNN' they screamed in unison.

'Guys this is a hospital for fuc-'

'Shut up Dre, we vloggin' sapnap held the camera pointing at y/n with shaky hands

'Y/n how are you feeelllinnnggg?' Karl lightly hugged them

'I'm feeling better than ever! Oh maygawsh is that a baby dinosaur?' Y/n pointed at the balloons which sapnap had bought because why not.

'sureee, that's kenny'

'Hey kenny'

After a few more minutes of them staying at the hospital and the nurse giving up on Karl and sapnap, they were finally on their way to dreams house.

Karl was driving and sapnap was recording from the front seat. Dream was handling y/n.

'I can't feel my tongue.'

'That's because its numb y/n' dream huffed.

'And your annoying.'

'Im annoying? Y/n you've been fucking screaming the lyrics to let it go for the past ten minutes.'

'Ive been singing you prick'

'Don't touch your tongue!'

'Why not! I can't feel it and I think you took it.'

'Why would I want your tongue?'


'Because I?'

'I don't care I just want my tongue back or im gonna punch you.'

'Bruh. Sapnap, help me please'

'Wouldn't you like to know pissboy.'

'Why is everyone against me right now!'

'Cuz your a party pooper.'

'Y/n what are you a kindergarten kid?'

'....no... I don't wanna be a kid...'

'Look what you did dream, your making y/n cry.'

'For Christs sake I didn't even say something to you.'

'You called me a child' y/n sobbed.

'That's some mad shit you said dream.'

'Karl you too? Im sad now.'

'No one gives a shit console y/n you shithead.'

'Sapnap I will-'

'I want a lollipop now.'

'Y/n you can't have a lollipop. Maybe a shake?'

'I- okay... fine..'


I honestly lost motivation for this and I hadn't posted in a while. So I'm sorryyyy. My mid terms are gonna finish around this week so yayyyy. I might delete or edit this later so •́ ‿ ,•̀

Anyways love you byeeeee! Hope you drank waterrrrr

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