Chapter 2

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The weekend came and it was time to move. By Sunday we were all moved in. Moving from a studio apartment to a two-bedroom house was easy since we did not have too much. In the afternoon, my friends came over with food and we sat down to have dinner together. Simon came over and was still angry that I wanted Jace. He decided to plug in our radio to listen to music and there was a short and the wall caught on fire. We had to run out of the house quickly because it ignited instantly. Now we ended up in a hotel. The next day I arrived at school to find Simon with a booth set up for a fundraiser for me. I was embarrassed and started yelling at Simon. Jace was walking towards us and stopped.

"Excuse me, but I need to walk through."

"What the hell, you cannot walk around us? This is all your fault!"

"You are saying that I was the one that caused the fire at Clary's house?"

"No, but how you treated her was the start of all of this."

"Sorry, here is a twenty to start you off."

I looked at Jace appalled at his actions. My temper started flaring and I started shaking with anger and slapped the money out of Jace's hand.

"I do not want your money, you arrogant jerk! I do not see what I see in you! I have gone out of my way to try to get you to like me, but you are so full of yourself. You are going to find yourself alone with nobody to love you."

I walked to my class without looking back. I did everything possible to avoid Jace for the rest of the day. I went to the hotel where my dad had the little bit of clothes we managed to buy. He told me that his best friend invited us to stay with him and his family. He called a cab, and we were on our way to his friend's house. When we got out of the cab, I realized that in the mailbox in front of the house, it said Herondale. When we walked to the front door and knocked, a tall, blond man opened the door. I took a deep breath because this man looked like Jace, his father of course. "

"Hello, Luke, I am glad you are here. This must be your daughter, Clary."

"Yes, I am Clary. Nice to meet you, Mr. Herondale."

"Please, call me uncle."

"Okay, Uncle."

"Please, come in and make yourselves at home. This is my son, Jace.

"Hello, I am Jace. Welcome to Herondale Manor."

"I am sure you and Clary know each other. After all, you go to the same high school."

"We do not know each other, Dad, because we are not in the same classes."

"Oh, you must be Clary and Luke. Welcome, I am Celine."

"Nice to meet you, Celine. Thank you for having us."

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Herondale."

"Please call me Auntie. We are practically family."

"I have your room all ready for you. Jace, please bring her bag up for her."

Jace picked up my bag and followed us upstairs. Auntie showed me the room and showed me where everything was. Jace put the bag on the floor and was ready to walk out when his mother called him back.

"Jace, help Clary unpack. Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes."

"Thanks, Auntie. I will be down in a few minutes."

"You can go, Jace, I do not want your help."

"Fine by me. Now, you stay out of my way as long as you are in this house."

"Do not worry, I will."


Of all the girls in the world, why did it have to be that girl? I cannot believe that she is in this house. She needs to stay away from me. It is bad enough that we go to the same school, but now she is going to live in the same house as me. This is going to be a tough time for me. Mom called so I went down for dinner. Clary was sitting across from me and kept her head down the whole time without looking at me. Good. She got the message. Morning came and I got ready for school. I went down for breakfast and was doing my best to finish so that I could leave before Clary did. Then my mom ruined my plan.

"Jace, I want you to drive Clary to school since she does not have a car."

"But Mom, I do not want to. She can catch the bus or something."

"No, and I am not asking you, I am telling you."

"Auntie, it is fine. I do not want to impose on Jace. I can catch the bus."

"See mom. Clary agrees with me."

"Jace, I asked you to drive her to school and this is the end of it."

I grabbed my keys and walked down to the garage to start the car. Clary got in the car and sat next to me. The ride to school was quiet and she never looked at me. Now I must park in the back of the parking lot so no one can see that she is riding with me. Damn it, this is such a pain. As we were walking towards the entrance, I grabbed her arm and stopped her. There was something I had to say to her.

"Listen to me. I cannot go against my mom's wishes of driving you back and forth to school, but no one needs to know anything. Do not tell anyone that you are living at my house or that we ride to school together. Am I making myself clear?"

"Yes, crystal clear. Do not worry, I will not tell anyone."


Jace is such an arrogant ass when he wants to be. I am not sure what I even find in him. He is so mean to me and looks at me like I am a bug. There is a part of me that thinks that he is gorgeous. He has blond hair the color of wheat in the sun. His skin is golden, and his eyes are beautiful, blue like the ocean, and bright. When he smiles, my heart melts just looking at him. He is a few inches taller than me, muscular, and strong. His stomach is flat, and you can see his abs through the shirt, which fits him tight in all the right places. It was love at first sight. I loved him the moment I saw him up on that stage. One way or another, Jace will see the real me and fall in love with me. We will have a future, together.

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