Chapter 4

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Mrs. Herondale

I have been watching Jace as he steals looks at Clary. He does not want anyone to know that he has an interest in her, but I know my son, he is indeed interested. Clary is a beautiful girl, kind, and sweet. She is the kind of girl that I want for my son. I will push things to get them together one way or another. I made breakfast for them and called them down. 

"Good morning, auntie. Thank you for breakfast."

"No problem, Clary. You kids need a good breakfast before you go off to school."

Jace just ate in silence. When he was finished, all he said was three words.

"Let us go."


I came down for breakfast when auntie called. Jace was already sitting at the table. He did not look at me the entire time or said anything to me. Sometimes he can be so funny and other times like now, he can be rude or obnoxious. When he finished he stood up and said three words to me.

"Let us go."

I went to the foyer and grabbed my backpack and followed him to the car. The ride to school was quiet, but I caught him sneaking glances at me. We arrived at school and he parked in the back of the school again. He got out of the car and waited for me to get out before locking the car. He walked really fast and disappeared into the school among the other students. I went to my class and met my friends there. The hours passed by slowly and I could not wait for lunch. Auntie packed our lunches today and I was dying to see what she packed. I came out of my classroom and I saw Jace coming down the hallway towards me.

"Fray, come with me."

We walked out of the school where no one can hear us. My friends and Simon were looking out the classroom window wondering what was going on.

"Jace, I thought you did not want people to see us together. What do you want?"

"Apparently my mother set this up. She gave me your lunch by mistake. I know she did this so that I would have to talk to you. Here and hand me mine and this will be all."

I handed him his lunch and he walked away without even looking at me or saying a word. When I looked up, my friends were watching us from the window. Now  I am going to have to explain what this was about. I went to face the firing range.

"What was that all about?" Maia asked with her arms crossed.

"Yeah, why did you exchange lunch bags with Jace? How did you get his lunch bag?"

"Well, I live at Jace's house. My father and his father are best friends and that is where I have been staying since the fire."

"But that was a few months ago! We are supposed to be your friends, but you have kept that a secret." Izzy looked really mad and Simon flabbergasted.

"Jace made me promise not to tell anyone. I live there so I did not want to have Jace on my bad side."

"Well, I guess that idea of yours is going to work after all. " 

"You have to promise me that you will not let Jace know that I told you anything. He will kill me if he knows that I told you."

"We promise."


I cannot believe what my mother has done. She gave us the wrong lunch bags on purpose. She wanted me to have to talk to Clary. I really wish she would stop meddling in my love life. I had to catch up with Clary at her classroom before she went to lunch. Hopefully, no one notices too much. The day went by and when I headed towards my last class, I saw a group of kids looking at something on the bulletin board. Curiosity got the best of me, and I went to look at what they were staring at. There, on the bulletin board, was a poster stating that:

"The beautiful red-headed, Clarissa Fray and Jace Herondale are currently living together. This is a surprise that these two are dating, let alone living together. "

I am going to kill Fray. Instead of going to my class, I went to look for Clary in her class.

"Fray, come with me."

Clary just looked at me surprised and came out of the classroom. I pulled her by the arm and led her to the bulletin board and pointed at the poster.

"Jace. what the hell is this about. For someone who does not want people to know that we know each other, you have pulled me out of my class, twice in one day."

"Shut up and look."

"Oh my God! Who the hell put up this poster? Why will they say such things?

"I do not know or care. What I want to know is, who did you tell, Clary? No one would know this unless you told someone."

"Jace, I swear that I did not tell anyone."

"Thank you, for ruining my life. Do not speak to me again!"


Jace came to my classroom and told me to go with him. He grabbed me by my arm and walked around the corner towards the area where the bulletin boards are at. When we reached it he asked me to look. I was in shock when I read the poster. Apparently one of my friends put up a poster announcing to everyone that Jace and I are not only dating, but we live together. Jace looks very angry.

"Oh my God! Who the hell put up this poster? Why will they say such things?

"I do not know or care. What I want to know is, who did you tell. Clary? No one would know this unless you told someone."

"Jace, I swear that I did not tell anyone."

"Thank you, for ruining my life. Do not speak to me again!"

He walked away from me and went to his class. I walked to mine and when I reached my friends, I was very angry. 

"Which one of you did it?"

"Did what? What are you talking about?"

"Yeah, Clary, we do not know what are you talking about."

"You promised me you were not going to tell anyone. One of you put up a poster telling everyone that I live with Jace and that we are secretly dating. What the hell? I thought you were my friends."

"Clary, we swear that we did not do this."

"Right now, I do not want to speak to you. Jace is angry and now, thanks to you, I have to walk home, because I am sure he is not going to drive me home."

I sat through my history class wondering if Jace will wait for me or leave me stranded. As soon as the bell rang, I ran out of the classroom and through the back door of the school where Jace parks. I was there just in time to see Jace driving away towards the exit. There was no other choice but to start my long walk home. When I got home, I was in tears and ran up to my room. Auntie called me down to dinner, but I did not want to face Jace after what happened. A few hours later, there was a knock on my door and Jace came in with a tray.

"Hey, I thought that you might be hungry so I brought you a tray of food. Listen, I am sorry that I was angry this afternoon. This should not have happened but it did and I guess I have to make the best of it. Please eat something. I promised mom that you would."

"Thanks, Jace. I am not sure who put up the poster, but I promise to stay out of your way. I will not pursue you or try to even get your attention anymore. You hate me even though I am in love with you. This is a one-sided affair that is more trouble than what it is worth. I am so sorry. This will not happen again."


"Please Jace, I would like to be alone now."

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